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Physical activity and exercise are beneficial to the mind as well as the body. They help better a person's health and overall mentality on life. In order to feel the best, have more energy, and remain healthy, a individual should do something active at least 3 times a week. The great thing about physical activity and exercise is that it doesn't matter what a individual does as long as it raises the pulse for a certain time period (twenty to thirty minutes is beneficial); it's something one enjoys; and it's safe. This means that an individual can bike, run, swim, or in - line skate and each will help benefit the mind. Specifically, a individual will experience a natural high and develop the ability to better handle emotions and changes in life.
Concentration is crucial for learning and understanding fresh things and being able to perform well in all aspects of life. Being physically active and exercising can help better concentration. This means that an individual will be able to be more centered and perform better. Staying physically fit has likewise been found to help individuals maintain memory longer in their lives. As people age, their memory skills may deteriorate, and physical activity and exercise may help ward off this effect for some time.
Tension is a normal part of every person's life. It's really necessary to have some stress in life. Otherwise, a individual would have no motivation for self-improvement or hard work. However, too much stress may cause many health problems. Some symptoms of stress include anxiety, hypertension, irritability, tense muscles, headaches, stomachaches, and lower resistance to illness. Physical activity and exercise, particularly noncompetitive activity, help to manage stress.
They give a individual the opportunity to feel calmer and more alert, which may help a person work through the things that are causing the stress. They also boost the immune system, so resistance to illness will step-up.
While physical activity and exercise may make people feel more alert during the day, they also allow individuals to feel calmer and sleep more soundly. When individuals are active, their body temperature rises and warms their insides. This comforts the body, like a warm bath, and causes a individual to feel more tranquil. This feeling, along with the lower anxiety and stress and physical benefits of physical activity and exercise, helps a person to sleep soundly at night and improves concentration.