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4 Time Management Hacks and tips for Busy WAHMs and Mompreneur
Being a mom is a full-time job. As a work-at-home mom or mompreneur, it is like you're working two full-time jobs at once. Then there is your spouse you have to take care of as well, who sometimes seems to need more assistance and attention than the kids. Don't forget yourself. You need to make time for yourself, or you may just go crazy! All told, you have a ton of responsibilities to juggle every day.
It's okay. Breathe in. Breathe out.
There are some things you can do to become much more productive, and at the same time feel like you are spending less time accomplishing your tasks than before. If you are a small business person or entrepreneur that is also a mom, start putting the following 4 best practices for time man-agement and productivity to work immediately to see less stress and more results in your business, and in your family life.
1 – Schedule EVERYTHING
Do you have post-it notes everywhere? Do you have post-it notes attached to your post-it notes? Whether you are the type of person who writes eve-rything down or not, you're going to have to start scheduling everything. Each night you add tomorrow's tasks to your daily schedule and review the week ahead.
Google Calendar is a free and wonderful resource accessible from your smartphone, tablet, computer and any electronic device with an Internet connection. You can set notifications and reminders that keep you on track and productive. Don't forget to schedule time for yourself as well.
2 – Separate Motherhood from Your Business
Being a mother is wonderful and rewarding, excruciatingly tough and mis-erable, positive, negative and everything in between. However, you wouldn't trade anything for it. Respect being a mom. Respect your busi-ness as well, but keep the two separate. There are times throughout the day when the two will cross each other, and that is okay.
As much as possible though, keep your work responsibilities at the office (or in the spare bedroom you turned into your home business epicenter), and your parenting elsewhere. This not only keeps the little ones from destroying that big project you have been working on with finger paint, but it also allows you to detach and de-stress from your business.
3 – Understand Your Priorities
Is your business priority to make $100,000 this year? If so, that is not laser focused enough. Big goals are great, but they need to be chopped down into bite-size pieces. Multitasking is the mom's mantra, but it can kill your productivity.
Understand which priorities matter most, and rank your goals in order. If your business goal is to make $100,000 this year, that means roughly $2,000 a week, $300 per day. With that figure, you can now prioritize the important activities you must take every day to reach that smaller daily goal. Prioritize your personal and mom-related responsibilities as well.
4 – Find Some Calm, Quiet Planning Time
Carve out 15 to 20 minutes of calm, quiet, distraction-free planning time each day. A lot of moms like to do this first thing in the morning, getting up before the rest of the household. Make yourself a soothing cup of tea. If coffee is your thing, grab a cuppa Joe. Give yourself a couple of minutes to relax and breathe deeply.
Then plan your entire day. Alternately, as discussed earlier, you can do this at the end of the evening. Just make sure this is time you spend by yourself with you and no one else. A few minutes of smart planning each day, and writing down your plan, can lead to a day full of low stress and high productivity levels.
How 2 Hour Tech-Free Time Chunks Can Make You a Time Management Pro
Here are a few news flashes for you. You spend way too much time on Fa-cebook. You text too much. You are "wired" much more than you should be. Survivor, Dancing With the Stars and The Voice are ruining your qual-ity of life. If you keep your smartphone in your pants pocket much of the time, you are killing your reproductive abilities. Okay, that last one may or may not be true, but at least 2 of those previous statements are proba-bly applicable to your life.