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I've a recurring Friday appointment with myself for arranging my weekly planning. Arranging it on a Friday provides me an opportunity to do anything I might have omitted during the week. I've discovered that it helps me to have peace and quiet (shut office door), but you might like a little background music.
For mobile workers: If you travel a great deal, you'll likely wish to have your planning material with you. (You are able to generally keep it all on your PDA or paper planner or combo of both.) I've occasionally done a great part of my weekly planning while on an plane flight back home, utilizing a weekly planning checklist on my Pocket PC to lead me (may do with a Palm device, also).
Before you do any literal planning, it's crucial to do a full review of the week to see if you've left out anything. This critique would include going through all of your inboxes, physical besides electronic, to view memos, notes to yourself (including yellow stickies), and anything where you've placed info that you have to do something with. If you don't keep your e-mail inbox empty (I'm guilty on this one), you'll wish to view all the e-mail that came in during the week to guarantee you haven't forgotten to flag any you have activity on.
I likewise like to go through my Task list to determine if there are any jobs I meant to complete but didn't. I likewise check to see if I have to reword any of the jobs to ensure they're truly action-oriented. After executing the recap, it's time to get into to analyzing every Active Project to guarantee that you identify a following activity for every one. This is likewise a great time to countercheck that you've defined a clear Successful
Result for every project. This ought to be followed by viewing each of your Someday and perhaps items to see if there are any that have to become Active Projects (or even wiped out).
The weekly planning session is likewise a fantabulous time to recap your mission and likewise your goals, to see if you're on target with them and to take action if not.
After I've accomplished this, I recap approaching appointments to see if there are any meetings or deadlines I demand to prepare for. Note that it's a great practice to exhibit project deadlines on your calendar. The way I like to accomplish this is with an all-day appointment.
The last steps in the process are to distinguish Focus Items and to think about scheduling time for the most crucial jobs. You ought to likewise think about allowing time to work on particular projects or to accomplish particular types of work (like @Computer tasks). Ordered and thorough weekly planning may help put you and keep you on top of your game.