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Use this planner to map out your year in monthly increments. Each month has a day where you can enter your plan and then follow the execution of that plan.
At the end of the month there is a section where you can summarize all your KEY achievements and review your time spent. This will allow you not only to feel pride for what you have done but also see where all your interruptions are coming from.
Note: This planner should ONLY be used for DEDICATED project time – ie WORK hours, or what you want to classify as work hours. Family time and holiday/vacation time should be excluded.
In reality, the whole thing is what you want to make of it. It’s YOURS to do with as you will and to USE as you will. You can even use several ACTION PLANNERS for separate projects if you want. It is entirely up to you!
This ACTION PLANNER will only work if you USE it. Accordingly, I would like you to make the following pledge: I ……………………………………… will faithfully record ALL my tasks in this time planner. My project is called ……………………………… I am signing my name here ……………………………………….. as my personal pledge of commitment and I do this on this the ……. day of ……………………………….. in the year…………. I know that my word and my signature are my bond and there is NO person more important than me when it comes to personal commitment and integrity to follow through. Time in Motion ACTION PLANNER brought to you by: www.motivationselfesteem.com/talk Gary Simpson’s Internet Marketing Blog: www.motivationselfesteem.com/talk
1 – Download this e-book to your computer,
2 – Print out ONE copy (this is your “master” copy),
3 – take that copy to a print shop and have 12 copies printed,
4 – Have the print shop people bind all copies using a spiral binder (so they will lay FLAT),
5 – Mark up all copies with the month and year for this month and the next 12 months,
6 – Put the following 11 months into your stationery cupboard,
7 – Begin to use the ACTION PLANNER for the current month IMMEDIATELY. Do not wait for the start of the next month to do it. Start NOW – even if it is 5, 10, 20 or even 25 days into the month. NEVER wait. Start using the ACTION PLANNER NOW!
8 – At the end of each month spend half an hour filling in your summary. This will allow you to see your list of achievements. It will also permit you to zero in on activities and people who “waste” your time. You can then take measures to minimize or stop the time wastage.
That’s it. It’s EASY.
It’s up to you exactly how you want to use your action planner and what entries you want to make. Enjoy it and realize the power you now have over your time.
Time in Motion ACTION PLANNER brought to you by: www.motivationselfesteem.com/talk Gary Simpson’s Internet Marketing Blog: www.motivationselfesteem.com/talk