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Chapter 4 - The Types of Graphics Design Programs Available
In the previous chapter, we provided reasons as to why it was essential for a person wishing to have a career in graphics design to have a degree. Now, in this chapter, we will take a look at the various programs that are available for students to use in order to attain their qualifications.
Short Term Certificate Programs
Although these are a good start for anyone wishing to get their first foot on the ladder in their chosen career of graphic design, it should be known that this will not get them some of the high end jobs straight away.
Normally, these particular programs last between 1 and 2 years.
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree
This actual program offers the student a more in depth look at the world of graphics design. Such courses will last between 3 and 4 years, so you will need to be extremely dedicated if you wish to obtain your degree.
However, once the training has been completed and you have obtained your degree, the chances of getting a much better and higher paying job is more likely to occur than if you had done just the short term certificate program instead.
But with either of these courses, you may not get what you actually want at the end of them, so be prepared to be disappointed.
However both of these programs will often provide the student with a position within a business or studio, both while studying, and after they have completed the program. This is a great way for students to actually gain experience, and which helps them when it actually comes to getting their first job.
In some cases, students have been extremely lucky, as they have been employed by the business or studio where they actually went and did their work experience training. In some cases, they have been employed by them before they have completed their training.
Now that we have looked at the kinds of programs available in order for a person to attain their qualifications, in the next chapter, we will take a look at what a person should be looking for when choosing a college, university or design school to carry out their studies at.
Chapter 5 - How to Choose the Right Graphics Design Educational Facility
When it comes time for a person to start deciding where they would like to do their graphics designer course at, there are literally hundreds, even thousands, of options available to them.
They could, if they wish, attend a technical or trade school, a community college or a state university. They may even decide to attend a private art college or school for graphic design. However, actually narrowing down their choices may look extremely difficult to some people. But by choosing the right one, it will have an impact on your career in the future.
In this chapter, we take a look at a number of things a person will need to consider in order to find the right educational facility, where they can obtain the necessary qualifications to have a career in graphics design.
The first thing is that a person should have a rough idea as to what the position of a graphics designer entails, as this will help in them choosing the right school, college or university to complete their training at.
Most graphics design courses include various lessons relating to advertising, publication, website design and for even some, will have animation involved within the core program.
You may well need to look not just for colleges and universities which offer graphics design programs, but those that also offer art or communications courses. Often, a graphics designer course will be included within these two departments of a college or university.
Look at those educational facilities which offer either a graphics designer degree, or have it come under a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program as well.
Much of the coursework carried out at either a graphics design school, college or university will be concentrating heavily on graphic design. However, you will also be offered a liberal arts experience as well, especially if you are doing the course which takes 4 years to complete.
But at the end of the course, you will either have obtained a certificate, or an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree (this is only achieved after completing the 4 year course). But this will always depend on the school, college or university that the person attends, and the type of student that the person is.
Also, when looking for the right educational facility, you will need to have made a decision in which area of graphic design you are most interested in qualifying for. Unfortunately, if you happen to be interested in more animation based courses, then you may not find that all facilities offer this type of program because of the high costs that are related to the subject.