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Let's face it, for most individuals the way you appear greatly impacts your self-respect. If you don't have a beneficial health and fitness plan in the works, then you might not be looking your finest.
If you're heavy and flabby your self-respect could be low. Individuals with low self-respect commonly don't have a beneficial degree of personal effectiveness and may not have the confident attitude necessary for beneficial personal development.
Thinking Bigger
Keys To Aiming Higher And Achieving Bigger Goals In Life To Realize Your Full Potential
Chapter 1:
The Truth Behind Goal Achievement
Goals are great to have but hard to keep. Every person ideally should have several goals in life and they may not necessarily all be achievable, but having these goals help to keep a person focused and strong minded toward achieving the said goals.
The Truth
Goals also help people have a reason for existence. There are a lot of positive reasons why and how goals benefit people.
Some of these are:
- Helps build and develop the art of firm decision making. When firm decisions are made, the individual will then feel energized enough to meet the goals made from the decisive decisions.
- Learning to prioritize. This very useful tool in life helps ensure the individual is capable of choosing what is important over what is trivial and unnecessary.
- Studying a situation or problem in depth before deciding on the next course of action is also a good skill to develop. While horning this skill the individual learns how to effectively and quickly solve problem in order to keep the focus on the end goal alive.
- Understanding and accepting that in order to succeed in achieving in some goal there needs to be team work. Thus by learning to pick and work as a team, people learn to respect each other and the contributions made.
- Another truth behind goal achievement is learning to cope with failure. Not many things will be successfully achieved at the first attempt, and learning to persevere is a good attitude to develop. This is vital if one wants to stay competitive in the reality of goal achievements.
- Learning to develop the attitude of persistence will allow the individual to build a stronger character in the face of adversity. The positive character trait is both beneficial and desirable.
All these traits are good truths to live by when trying to achieve life’s various goals with the intention of coming out victorious in each one.
Chapter 2:
Identifying Goals
Most people go through like with only a vague idea or outline of the goals they want to achieve. Very few however give it any serious thought or even have a plan on how to achieve the goals.
Perhaps they are just no interested in focusing of achieving the goal with a sense of urgency and would rather drift along until one day they awake from this ignorance in a panic.
What Are They
It is a good idea to have goals from a very young age, as there is no real “perfect” age that dictates the comprehension on the idea of having a goal. Parents can inculcate this very desirable trait in their children by being a good example themselves.
Setting goals is not an exercise to be taken lightly. Setting goals require a certain amount of serious thought and consideration. The thought process usually involves the long term ideal future and the motivating factor that is going to eventually ensure its success.
It would be wise to identify with some level of precision what the individual wants out on life and work from that level up towards achieving the goal in mind. It the goal is clearly understood and perceived to be possible, only then will the body and mind be able to work together in order to keep the motivation for achieving the goal alive.
There are many areas one can consider when trying to embark on the journey of setting and achieving goals. The areas may include family, career, finances, education, and attitude, breaking a bad habit, adopting and keeping a good habit, exercise a just a few common choices.
Upon identifying the goals, one must be certain that the goal chosen is achievable. The key is in sticking to the commitment of achieving the goal, as it is crucial to its success.