Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Terry: Right. They’re kind of like Internet marketers: they focus on the tools and not the tactics.
Kelly: We’re all the same. The Internet is the same thing.
Terry: So once you got them in that position, what’s the next step? Maybe they’re not addressing the way that they should be… where does it go from there? Do you take a look at their sales copy and advertising and break it down? How does that work?
Kelly: Yea. Before we even look at their advertising copy, the next step is to really know your client and who you’re trying to sell to. I have a process that I go through with people because we really want to nail it down to one perfect, ideal client. As a copywriter, I’m trained to talk to one person when I’m writing, so it’s more like a conversation. As a business owner, what I want to do is for you to know who your idea, perfect client is, and tell me all about him. What worries them? What do they love? What is their family life like? You might combine three clients into one, but we want to know this one person.
Once we’ve identified who that is, are we talking to them correctly in all of the messages that we’re sending? That’s tricky; it was hard for me and hard for a lot of people to narrow it down to that one person because if feels like you’re alienating so many other people who you could be serving. In reality, what happens is that you’re talking so directly to that one perfect person that the other people hear your message because it’s very clear. Other people that you want to attract hear it.
That’s a big step that I spend time really digging into and getting really clear on who that person is. Writing the materials and writing to them in the ads and other messages is easier because you know who this person is.
Terry: How do you decide on the media? Once you decided on the perfect person that you’re going to write to, how do you decide if you’re going to do newspapers, postcards, sales letters, or direct marketing? How do you decide which avenues to go with?