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This is a great method that makes it really easy to convert. I discovered this after I wrote the initial guide. I actually discovered it while I was giving some advice to one of my students and it works a treat.
A lot of people stumble when it actually comes to closing the deal as they don’t know what to say. Well this works great. After the initial conversation and you have showed them some pics they will be all eager and want to see more of you.
Some will ask if you have a cam and if they can see you. If they don’t just mention you have a cam. Now the biggest mistake people were making, including myself, was at that point to say yes I do here is my link.
I have found what works better is to act like you don’t want to show them your cam. Say something like “ yeah I have a cam, but I don’t really like using it much I just wanna chat”. So now you are turning it on the guy and he is going to be begging you and trying to convince you that you should get on the cam for him. Now this method works like crazy now that I have learnt that it is a free webcam.
So eventually you “give in” and agree to show him your cam. How do you explain why you are taking him to a site to see it? Well that’s easy, to stick with your story of not liking to get on your cam you simply say I registered with this free site to keep all the creeps away.
It’s simple but it works, it sounds understandable since you have already said you don’t like showing your cam in the first place and he has had to convince you to show it so when you say you have registered with a site to protect yourself and keep the freaks out it makes sense. Plus it isn’t going to cost him anything which just makes this method even more amazing then it already was.