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The best way to ensure a sale is to gain commitment as soon as possible. Make the customer verbally indicate that if “X” happens they will purchase your product. Once you have gained commitment it is your job as a good salesman to hold up your end of the bargain. If they say they will buy your product if you can get a stain out of their carpet, then get the stain out. Most people won’t go back on their word.
Often times I gain commitment when overcoming an objection. For example if the customer says “I would, but I can’t afford it”, I will ask them, “So if I made it 100% affordable you would definitely invest in this product”. I then shake my head yes waiting for them to make the commitment. Once they commit I work with the price to fit it into their budget.
Locking a customer into commitment is not an easy task. People have a natural fear of commitment. What you have to do is put them into a corner. Wait for them to ask you if your product can “do this”. That is the ideal moment to get commitment. Simply state to your customer, “if it can do this, I’m sure you will invest in my product.”
Gaining commitment early gives you an edge in your sales pitch. Find out what there main problem is right away, and if possible solve it immediately. This will not only create an immediate want in the customer, but it will help you gain commitment early. After you have commitment, constantly remind them of the problem you solved.
Gaining commitment is a great asset to a sale, but is not necessary. It will however make the sale that much easier. Look for certain keys that may help you lock them into a commitment. Many times it’s as simple as them asking you answering a question they have about your product.