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The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Okay - you might be wondering what this trilogy is doing here, but if you take a look at the story, it truly is inspiring.
First, take a look at some of the main characters: hobbits - who are a type of people that live in underground dwellings in close knit communities and rarely venture outside their own lands. They live a simple life and could care less of the dealing of outsiders.
They are somewhat ignorant as to what lay outside their lands and most of their knowledge comes by way of rumors or extravagant stories.
But here you have two hobbits who travel far and wide and encounter countless obstacles, beasts and enemies to save the entire land.
With so many other powerful creatures that roam the land, how is it that these two small people, with no special skills or experience, can accomplish so much. No matter how dire their situation was, they were determined and never gave up - something we can all learn from.