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The plus and minus entities that the author wrote about are mental proje c-tions, often called “thought forms.” In this case, they represent two extremes of his own personality. But dwelling on the phenomena of thought forms misses the point. The plus and minus entities exist as personality aspects without having to be thought forms.
You know that you feel and act differently at different times depending on the thoughts and feelings brought forth by the circumstances at hand. One way of saying it is that you have several personalities and are accustomed to changing from one to another seamlessly. Here “personality” means yourself acting within some established pattern of behavior. Upon examination, you can see that each personality arises from activating a set of beliefs and as-sumptions about people, circumstances, and the world in general.
The minus-entity, then, is one?s “self” acting with debilitating, self-defeating beliefs. The plus-entity is one?s self acting with empowering beliefs about itself and the surrounding world. Picturing it in terms of two separate entities is an effective way to contrast the two viewpoints and to remind yourself of the one you prefer to embody.
The terms themselves, however, could use some updating. So, if you don?t mind, I will use the terms “positive self” and “negative self” in place of plus-entity and minus-entity for the remainder of this essay.
The positive self need not be thought of as a separate entity, yet there?s no harm in doing so if it suits you. You can then use the image to help you get into the positive-self mindset. You can imagine it moving toward you and then engulfing your body and taking over. Or you can imagine putting on the head of the positive self as if putting on a helmet. As you pull it down over your head, imagine your feelings and attitude changing to that of the positive self.
You are indeed the master of your destiny, and all the things you value in life are yours if you just take action and claim them. That often involves receiving them in exchange for service you give to others, service that is well within your capabilities.