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The debate regarding the use of color or black and white for photographs has been going on for decades. Many traditionalists still prefer the formal appearance of black and white photographs.
However, these days there seem to be only a few traditionalists left as more and more photographs are being developed in color.
Many people are opting for color pictures simply because they are simpler and cheaper to produce. This was not always the case, as it took some time before the required technology for color photographs could surpass the quality of black and white photos.
Before color, black and whites were the standard print used for on film. Many historical materials that may contain pictures are often in black or white. During the early days of photography, black and white processing and printing was more inexpensive than color. At the same time, black and white photographs had better quality than color.
At the start, color photographs were to expensive to process and print compared to black and white. Plus, the outcome of color photographs was not as crisp or sharp as black and white. It was only until after the eighties when the quality of color photographs surpassed black and white.
Unfortunately the entrance of color printing into the main photography scene meant the decline of black and whites. As a result, the supply of black and white film dwindled as well as the facilities that could process and print them. In just a short time, black and white photographs became the exception in photography while color became the rule.
In today's world almost everything is in color. Photographers, amateur and even professionals prefer using color in order to better express the details of the pictures that they take. In addition, photographs processed and printed in color are cheaper than black and whites. In fact these days it is easier to get photographs printed in color than black and whites.
The technology used in photography these days is able to produce photographs that capture each and every vivid detail in color. Furthermore, the advances in photography have also made it possible for people to convert their existing black and white photographs into color. The results are astounding as the photograph is vibrantly reprinted in color without leaving any detail out.
Following the current trend in revivals, black and white photographs are experiencing a comeback as photographers are rediscovering the power of black and white imagery. Many people now view black and white photos as an innovative take on the usual colored pictures. At the same time, black and white photos impart a sense of reality that can be lost in colored pictures.