Sample Content Preview
Chapter 1: Introduction
There was a time when running a successful online business or making passive income was new and unheard of. There was a time when it took a courageous and pioneering spirit to make a full time living from a blog.
But that's changed. Stories of people becoming extremely successful through social media and running a website are now commonplace. It's been happening for decades.
And yet it's still something that a lot of people don't understand and aren't taking advantage of.
This is a HUGE missed opportunity.
What's the key ingredient here? TRAFFIC.
That is a high volume of traffic.
And highly targeted traffic.
This isn't just for entrepreneurs and bloggers either. If you run a business with any kind of online component, then traffic is the key to making sales. Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business.
Let's say that you have an online store and you're currently using that sells hats. Right now, you get around 500 visitors to your site a day, which leads to 2-3 sales, or about $40-60 profit. It's a small side project that is earning you a bit of cash doing something you enjoy.
With the right strategies, you could easily increase your visitors to a similar 150,000 daily within a year or two. Those 2-3 sales now become 60-90 sales.
And what if you leverage that success to start selling other products? To build a successful YouTube channel or Instagram account?
The sky is the limit.
Even for a local business such as a restaurant, increasing your traffic has the potential to massively increase sales.
Right now let's say you get 100 orders every night, which is largely due to word of mouth. But what if your website was the first one to come up on Google? What if people could order through your site with a few clicks?
What if you had a thriving Facebook page or group and a strong community?
You could easily increase the number of orders you get.
None of this is easy, but none of it is hard either.
This book will serve as your guide. It will show you some of the most effective ways and methods of generating traffic to your website.
Chapter 2: Content Marketing
If you've been moving in digital marketing circles for a while, you've probably heard it said that 'content is king'.
And it's not without reason, because when done right content marketing is a mind-blowing powerful strategy.
How powerful? Well, research has shown that it can cost up to 62% less than traditional marketing and generate about three times as many leads.
If you want to start driving more traffic to your website, then there is one single thing that you need to be doing. This indisputable, critical aspect of your marketing is non-negotiable and has the biggest potential for increasing your viewers, your authority, and your engagement.
That is to apply content marketing.
What is Content Marketing?
Content marketing is about using media such as blogs, newsletters, social posts, videos and infographics to draw customers towards you. How? By providing value upfront. Content marketing flips the script on traditional marketing. Instead of roaring at your audience through a megaphone, content marketing transforms your business into a powerful magnet that pulls customers to your doorstep.
The reason this is so crucial is simple: the internet is built on content. Most of the time you spend online will likely be either reading or watching videos, both of which are examples of content consumption.
To find that content, you probably searched for a phrase or term in Google, and Google will then have matched your query to content that it had indexed.
Why You Need to Implement Content Marketing
When you add high-quality content to your website on a regular basis, you achieve a number of things:
- You provide free value
- You demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your niche and become an expert
- You increase brand awareness and trust exponentially
- You provide Google with a means of understanding what your site is about
- You create more pages for your site, each of which can then act as a potential entry point to your site and your brand
- You gain a commodity that you can share on social media
- You increase the likelihood of people who enjoy your content sharing it with other people: thereby giving you free links and free exposure.
How To Write an Engaging Blog Post
One of the key ingredients to your success then is to write a high quantity of articles. The more you write, the more opportunity you create to be discovered. The more questions you can answer, and the more people you can engage with.
As a starting point, I recommend writing at least one blog post a week. This is far from ideal, though. Far preferable would be 3-4 posts per week, and potentially even a post a day.
What's arguably more important, though, is that you learn to write high-quality blog posts. If you get this wrong, then it doesn't matter how many you write!
Only a high-quality blog post will increase the likelihood of someone returning to your website, and only a high-quality blog post will increase the likelihood that your site will get shared.
So, what does the perfect blog post look like?
First and most important is that your post should not be derivative. This means you should not be sharing content for the sake of it. Every single post needs to have something unique to say.
Let's consider two approaches to fitness.
One blog post on fitness is an exclusive interview with the elusive and extremely in-demand Ido Portal. His is a completely unique approach to training and one that has set the social media world on fire for several years now (he's a real guy, look him up!).
The other is an article called "5 Exercises for Six Pack Abs."