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Spanish verbs are among the most, if not the most, complicated topics in Spanish. That is why after finishing half the session of this training program, the next 4 days will be allotted in studying Spanish verbs. This is the first of our 4-day training session regarding Spanish verbs.
First, you need to know that verbs in the Spanish language are divided into 3 categories. Let?s call them the AR verbs, the ER verbs, and the IR verbs. The two-letter names of these groups are actually the ending sounds or syllables of the verbs in Spanish.
Aside from that, these verbs are conjugated for number, person, and tense. Conjugation is the process of adding patterned suffixes on the base (original) form of the verb to show differences on certain criteria. Verbs belonging to the same group are inflected the same way – they use the same affixes. Hence, there is no better way to make conjugations fun and easy to learn than to simply memorize these “patterns.”
We will discuss the conjugations of these verbs on the next days ahead – conjugation of verbs on present tense tomorrow, on past tense the day after tomorrow, and on future tense the day after that. For now, let me introduce you to the three groups of Spanish verbs that I?m talking about.