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There is a lot of talk now days about the importance of believing. This is all fine and good except for one key factor. You have to have the attitude to go along with the belief or otherwise you are just day dreaming.
People say to me all the time, positive thoughts will bring positive outcomes and I believe that this is true when positive thoughts accompany a positive attitude.
You cannot accomplish anything by simply imagining it as a possibility, but when you have an attitude that you can accomplish whatever it is that you have defined as a possibility, the possibility suddenly becomes inevitability.
Success in network marketing must come with the belief that you can achieve your goals, but you must also have the attitude that you are going to achieve them. Without the right attitude, all of the belief in the world will do you absolutely no good.
Attitude spurs action because it is tied to emotion. This allows us to experience our beliefs on a more personal level which in turn enables us to start making the decisions that will allow those beliefs to come to pass.
I am sure you know people who are always talking the talk. They have all of these huge dreams and aspirations and say that they are going to accomplish greatness, but when it comes down to it, they are unwilling to take the action that is necessary to make those dreams a reality.
This is because there was no attitude of success to go along with the belief. This is all too common of an occurrence in network marketing. People will get into the business with all of these great ideas. They will brainstorm constantly about how they are going to build the business.
They may even talk to a couple of people about the products or opportunity, but when it comes down to it, there are no results. They may hit a wall of negativity with someone and decide that maybe the person who has the negative view of their opportunity is right. They may get rejected a couple of times and instead of pushing forward with the attitude of success, they go home, sit on the couch and start the dreaming process all over again.
A person with the attitude of success on the other hand will not bow down to rejection or negativity because they know that they are right. They know that they have the right idea and it does not matter what the first couple of people say, they are determined that they are going to find people who see things the way that they do.