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Force may be a cloudy concept at times. Postulating questions like, “What should I do?” and “What may I make now?” tend to be hard to answer. Lots of individuals answer, “I don’t have any idea” And so all they know how to do is to carry on sustaining the status quo. And rather frequently the status quo is not at all what they truly need.
But once the light-worker asks, “How may I assist this individual?” or when the dark-worker inquires, “What would provide me joy?” there’s more lucidity. Such queries are commonly easier to answer, particularly when you consistently stick to one side or the other for a long time.
The light-worker becomes truly great at channeling force into service, and the dark-worker, into egocentric pastimes. These are limited uses of force, however they’re educational. In the long run, these training periods of time may be really worthwhile.
When integrating starts, the light-worker and dark-worker attempt to maintain their focus while enlarging the breadth of their force. The goal is to keep the intensity elevated while extending the spectrum.
Light-workers and dark-workers each understand how to channel particular frequencies of force. And among the most beneficial ways for them to mix additional frequencies is to learn from one another.
In essence, they become each other’s instructors. They might butt heads from time to time, but among potent individuals there tends to be a particular degree of mutual regard as they learn more about the nature of force from one another. Through their fundamental interaction, the champion and the scoundrel both become mightier, as each becomes more like the other. More generally, mighty individuals tend to draw in one another, no matter their chief polarity.
Interacting with individuals who have subdued frequencies of force that are really different from the ones you’ve dominated brings about a whole fresh set of challenges. May you control a more liberal spectrum of force frequencies without misplacing focus?
May the empire-building dark-worker metamorphose into a wealthy philanthropist? May the service-driven light-worker turn into an effective marketer?
This shift may be a disruptive point, but it’s likewise a stimulating time as more frequencies are available for exploration. The route might include a lot of starts and stops. But in the long run, the light-worker and the dark-worker have the potential to acquire each other’s forces, which unlocks more originative energy for all.