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Whether you are marketing a product, a sendee, or yourself, you're essentially getting someone to buy. Some of the times, it can be simple, but most of the time, it calls for skill and work to get somebody to say yes. We're cognitive organisms that are pre-wired to do things a particular way.
Individuals are not born successful; they’re built to be that way. Words are exceedingly powerful because what you say shapes everything individuals understand from you. Plainly, what you say will determine which direction the conversation will go, so let’s start with the basics:
The law of expectations says that if an expectation is before an individual they'll usually comply with that expectation. Persons tend to make decisions on the way other people expect them to act. Presupposition is a sort of a question that uses words and language that indicates what you're asking has already been accepted by the other individual.
An embedded command is a strategy used to communicate to the conscious mind while broadcasting a message to the subconscious mind. The thought behind this is to in reality bypass the conscious mind and communicate directly with the subconscious.
This is generally used in advertising and marketing. The most efficient embedded commands are short and concise, and are no more than two to four words. Studies evidence that embedded commands can in reality change our positions and beliefs. To use an embedded command all you have to do is speak with the other individual and place a slight emphasis on certain words, don’t make it conspicuous or it won’t work.
Also you are able to use a method of confusion, by confusing the individual you are able to inject (sounds a lot like sql injection) an embedded command instantly into their subconscious mind. You’ll be able to generate confusion in a lot of ways, for instance you'll be able to talk rapidly and place emphasis on the words of your embedded command.
Another effective way to use embedded commands is to produce a certain emotion rather than to get them to do something. This maybe done by the use of emotion captivating words and or phrases.
Embedded commands are words that are kind of like ticking time bombs for the brain. They're 1-3 words that are inside a sentence that have a comparatively powerful affect on people's decision making process.
For instance: It seems like you are clearly agreeing with what I’m telling you so let’s ACT NOW so I can assist you in getting what you want in the time you need it...does that work for you? This is a really simple pattern to catch on to. Keep in mind that when you SAY THIS aloud, you put unique accent on your embedded command.
Eventually, after much practice, you’ll begin to discover a difference in how people respond. This command is really subliminal meaning that it will impact them subconsciously.