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A very important point is that at least 2 of the five sites you are bookmarking should not be the same every week. Here’s an example, let’s say my site is myweightlosssite.com and my partners’ sites are trainyourdog.com and cnn.com. I will need to have two other sites to bookmark for my 4th and 5th sites. Maybe one week I’ll bookmark showmetraffic.com and ilovebiking.com and next week I’ll bookmark ilovedogs.com and showmethemoney.com then maybe next time I’ll bookmark two totally different sites or maybe bookmark another page on showmetraffic.com
Your 4th and 5th sites do not have to be different every single time you bookmark, just make sure that you’re not bookmarking the same site every time. Don’t be afraid to bookmark sites that are related to hobbies you’re interested in. Actually I encourage you to bookmark sites of hobbies and interests. The point is that you don’t want to be bookmarking the exact same sites every time. That’s what bookmarking sites are created for.
Let me say that if you go with my suggestion and have 2 partners then your site will be getting 3 times the amount of bookmarks in comparison if you don’t have any partners at all. The extra backlinks will be nice but even better you will end up with more traffic because you’re not the only one bookmaking your site. Your site will obviously get a lot more exposure which means that you will get so much more traffic.
Very Important: I highly suggest that if you do choose partners that their sites be blogs. Why? Because the engines love blogs more than any other type of website. People who have blogs are more likely to add content to their sites on a regular basis since it’s so easy to make a post which automatically adds a new page. If you bookmark every page on a website then you can’t bookmark that site again until another page is added. So be sure that your partners are posting to their blogs at least once per week.
When you bookmark your own site there is a specific way to go about this when you first start out. First of all once you do bookmark your site for the first time, do not bookmark the home page if it is a sales letter or a squeeze page of some form. I suggest that you ask one of your partners to bookmark your home page before they bookmark any other page on your site. Why do I suggest this? Because you don’t want to give any appearance that you are bookmarking your own sales page.
But if your home page is the main page of your blog then this is the first page that you’ll want to bookmark as this will get the first links from most of the bookmarking sites to your homepage. Once the main page of your blog has been bookmarked then you won’t need to do that again.
Why do I suggest this? You want to be sure that you get a link from the bookmarking sites to the main page of your blog but since that page changes all the time you don’t want to bookmark it more than once because people will go to it expecting to see a certain story but that story will have changed if you’re updating your blog regularly as you should.
So in case it’s not clear, once the main page of your blog has been bookmarked you want to bookmark the page that your posts are on. Last but not least in for this section you should be using the same ideas for your blog posts titles as I talked about for article titles. Your titles will draw people in above anything else when they viewing bookmarks about your site on the social bookmarking sites.
I suggest that you find 2 to 3 bookmarking partners. What do I mean by bookmarking partners? When I say partner I’m talking about someone who will follow the technique in this report. So you’re going to find at least two people who will bookmark your site plus their own sites if they desire and a random site. Basically you’re going to share with your partners what I’m recommending. Now obviously I don’t want you sending them this ebook but you can give them a general idea of how it works. Additionally of this ebook there’s a special bonus that you should take advantage to make some extra cash and use recommend to your partners.
I recommend that you eventually outsource your bookmarking so that you don’t have to take the time to do it but you should continue to work with your partners, someone else will just be doing your part of the work. Yes it doesn’t take long but your time could be better spent on developing products or finding affiliate products or posting to your blog. Remember you want to be posting to your blog at least once per week.
At this time there are only a couple of great bookmarking sites that Socializer 2.0 doesn’t submit to that you should take the extra couple of minutes to submit to. They are shoutwire.com and if you have an internet marketing blog marktd.com. Hopefully the creators of the Socializer tool will add them in the near future as they are pretty responsive to user opinions.
There is one very important thing that you need to know about Shoutwire. They don’t like you submitting more than 2 times per week. And they really enforce this, trust me I learned the hard way. You’ll have to work out something with your bookmarking partners so each of you will get the same number of submissions over time as well as submitting other random sites as I talked about earlier.
A few notes about the Socializer tool that will save you some time. You’ll see at the Socializer tool that they’ve got “Top Services” and “Other Services”. A few of the sites in both of these sections are already in OnlyWire so you don’t need to bookmark at those sites. Additionally there are quite a few sites in the “Other Services” section that obviously won’t get you as much traffic as other sites. The only site in this section that I bother submitting to is Newsvine.