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There is nothing which screams out ‘brilliant opportunity’ as does Internet marketing. That is why if one does not want to lose out on serious profit-making chances then one should read the basic forum rules posted on each site.
This provides guidelines as to what can or cannot be done on the forum, helping you draw your limits as to how aggressive your marketing can be on these forums. Lack of this often leads to carelessness leading to unnecessary bans, and black marking against a particular user’s name.
So, reading the rules before joining any forum is absolutely crucial, and comprises the first rule in successful internet marketing. The rules of the forum are posted right in the beginning under the guidelines or general discussion category and are not too detailed or tedious.
They simply ban or disapprove of any kind of aggressive self-promotion and untoward comments which may offend the sensibilities of the other forum members. But the degree of strictness in implementing these rules differs from site to site, so checking beforehand is the safest way not to get yourself in trouble.
Remember you are a fellow forum member who has joined because you like the sound of the forum and the topics being discussed in it, you are not supposed to be here to market yourself.
So, do not start singing your own praises and that of your website and product the moment you enter, especially without context. Read what is being discussed, see how the forum is (formal or informal) and respond to it.
Moreover, get to know some of the people on the forum, build a rapport before broaching the subject of your website, that also subtly.
Following threads also has another bonus. If you follow, then you can keep track of certain queries raised by members, and if this falls in
your area of expertise then you can help them out and solve their problems, maybe even lead them subtly to your site containing matters about these issues.
This not only gets you traffic to your site but also creates your reputation. This procedure becomes even more relevant for sites which let you to add the links to your websites along with your name. Thus, in time, your credibility will increase and people will flock to your site to get help or buy your product, increasing your sales. So just go ahead and follow the etiquettes and all will be fine.
You Should Start with Forum Marketing
Forum marketing can make your online business get noticed. Forum users, by and large, are tech and net-savvy and like purchasing things online. Many forum frequenters are also authorities in the topics discussed in the forum.
Forum marketing, thus, helps make a good impression in front of a knowledgeable and influential audience, which can help spread word all over. What follows is a step-by-step guide that will tell you how to effectively make forum marketing a part of your marketing strategy.
Not all forums host the people you want to communicate with. You have to choose a set of 5-10 forums to concentrate your energies on.
Ensure that these forums have at least 10,000 posts from at least 1,000 members; that there are at least 10-15 new posts every day. Avoid forums which are hosted by your direct competitors; and those which are flooded by spam.
Create your forum accounts as soon as possible. This is helpful because seniority is given a lot of importance in most online forums:
some even require you to wait a few days before posting for the first time.
When you sign up, you’ll be asked to agree to their user agreements and posting guidelines.
Read these documents carefully. A lot of people skip this and just click yes, because there is a lot of legal jargon. But some important things to look for are:
• Are you allowed to include links in your posts?
• Can you promote your business?
• Can you use commercial messages as your signature?
• Can you contact other members for business purposes on the forum?
• Are there restrictions on new and privileges for old members?
• Your user name is the first thing that’ll be noticed. Pick one that’s memorable, simple and can be easily pronounced. You might want to use your real name and/or the name of your company. Do not use random combinations of letters and/or numbers, or something that’s significant to you and you alone.
Create a profile that will help you establish credibility. Put up a description of your experience and expertise. Personal information can help break the ice, but don’t venture into topics that can alienate anyone, like race or religion or political affiliation.
Above all, treat forum marketing as an integral part of your long-term strategy, not just a one-off opportunity to bombard the message-boards with information about your hot new product.
Take Your Business to The Next Level
If you are looking to promote your online business on the internet, you have your work cut out for you. You really do. The difficulty does not come from finding traffic options. In fact, the difficulty comes from the fact that there are just simply too many options out there.
It is too easy to get caught up in all the available traffic generation options, and spend a lot of time, effort and money only to have very little to show for all your marketing efforts.
If you are serious about driving highly targeted traffic to your website, one of the best moves you can ever make is to carry out a forum marketing campaign.
It is easy to understand why forum marketing works. Regardless of how obscure your niche is, there are already people congregating online at certain websites who are talking about different aspects of whatever it is you are promoting. They are congregating at online message boards also known as forums.
This is a tremendous marketing opportunity because it is like fishing by shooting fish in a barrel. The fishes are already in the barrel. They have already selected themselves and they are in a tight space. It is almost a sure deal. It is very hard to miss.
However, you have to do this properly; otherwise, your forum marketing efforts will fail. Just as it is very easy to see the opportunities apparent in forum marketing, it is also very easy to completely blow those opportunities.