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The days of super-hype marketing tactics are over. They used to work well in the past but they are working less and less everyday.
People are naturally more skeptical now. They don’t respond as well to hype. Yes, some people will still buy after they read some heavy hype copy but it’s becoming fewer and fewer consumers everyday.
The future of marketing is using education and/or entertainment. Advertorial style copy on the Web does a lot better than over-the-top copy – and the difference in success rates is continuing to grow.
If you are selling something from a web page think about different ways that you can incorporate an educational story or “sidebar” of factual information that will actually deliver some value to your reader even if they don’t buy your product.
The legendary copywriter, Eugene Schwartz, used to market books by giving some of the best parts of the actual book away in the marketing itself. And it helped them sell like crazy.
When you really think about it the psychology of this method is pretty obvious… the prospect is thinking, “if this free stuff is this good I can only imagine how good the actual product is.”
So you need to try to educate your prospects throughout your marketing process. This is the reason why you want to give away as much great content as you can. If they enjoy your free stuff they will be many times more likely to buy the stuff you sell. And this is a proven fact.
People are also more bored than ever before. We are constantly bombarded with advertising and marketing. It’s a real challenge to make your marketing standout. One of the ways to do this is to make your marketing entertaining. Anything you can do to make your marketing a little bit more interesting and exciting the better it should produce for you because it will increase viewership which typically increases response.