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Tamiya wild Dagger, Tamiya Juggernaut 2 (Jug) , Tamiya Clod Buster (Clod), Tamiya Hummer (Hummer), Traxxas Stampede (Pede), HPI RS4 MT (RS4 MT), etc are some pf the popular RC models. These models are fine-tuned and tested for general use or backyard bashing.
Tamiya Wild Dagger (WD) is unstoppable on most any terrain. It is durable, lightweight, has decent speed with stock motors and gearing -about 15 mph and is very fast with modified motors. Its dual motors provide a lot of torque and independent suspension. It jumps well and climbs hills very well as its gears are very robust. The model is reasonably priced with a tough Lexan truck body and requires zero maintenance. Moreover the model is fairly easy to assemble and also contains outstanding assembly instructions.
Nevertheless, its simple steering servo setup results in some "bump-steer", although generally steering is good. Its stock dampers need to be replaced with oil-filled shocks and all parts are not stocked by all hobby stores. Its location of motors makes water running not really an option. It contains plastic bushings with limited pinion choices, but stock gearing will appeal to most users.
Tamiya Juggernaut 2 (Jug) is also 4x4 which is unstoppable on most any terrain. Its large size is impressive and gives a very realistic looking as it has a lot of scale appeal. Its motors are mounted up high so running in water is an option. Its dual motors provide a lot of torque and the model is great for off road use and attracts a lot of attention. Its chassis and drive train are very durable. It offers wide selection of pinion choices for a monster truck and also a wide selection of motors can be installed. Its chrome wheels are outstanding looking and the model contains outstanding assembly instructions. It is designed for torque and pulling and is a very popular truck so parts are usually easy to obtain.
However, it is very costly to purchase and the truck is slow with the stock 540 motors. Its stock dampers need to be replaced with oil-filled shocks. It also rolls over easily when turning at high speeds, especially on pavement. It does not have independent suspension and also does not climb hills well because of a high center of gravity. It usually rolls over. The biggest problem with it is that it is a challenge to build for some people. Even after everything its body is easily destroyed. Its center spur/pinions gear mesh somewhat tricky to set just right. Also, its transmission is somewhat noisy.
Tamiya Clod Buster (Clod) is also has same features as Tamiya Juggernaut 2. It also has many after market upgrades for monster truck racing. But it is costly to upgrade for monster truck racing. It also has similar shortcomings as Tamiya Juggernaut 2. Moreover its chassis easily breaks when jumping and the model offers limited pinion choices. Its top is somewhat heavy and is also not very realistic looking in comparison to the Juggernaut.
Tamiya Hummer (Hummer) is 1/12 scale and is not exactly a monster truck but is fairly popular in this category. It looks cool with a body is very realistic. It has oil shocks and independent suspension. It also has decent speed with the stock motors and outstanding assembly instructions. But the model rolls over easily when turning at speeds because of the high center of gravity the heavy body creates. It has limited ground clearance and plastic bushings.