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I'm going to say this right at the beginning of this chapter... BUSINESS IS TOUGH! If you are looking for an easy ride with a free ticket to cash, you are not likely to find it as an entrepreneur.
To succeed as a business owner, you are going to have to prepare yourself for one of the most challenging experiences of your life. DO NOT take this as a negative because it isn't negative. Human beings thrive on challenge. We need to be thinking, working and solving problems to fully tap into our true potential. You are going to be faced with a seemingly endless stream of challenges and roadblocks that will test you every step of the way.
When you become a full time business owner, you are declaring to the world that you are prepared for whatever challenges may present themselves and you will rely on persistence alone to get you through any problem that may temporarily step in your way.
You are going to make mistakes. A LOT of them. And you are going to have to prepare yourself to develop a thick skin to overcome these mistakes and the potential judgements that accompany them. The biggest thing I can tell you about mistakes/ failures (whatever you want to call it) is that it may suck at the time, but these instances usually provide you with the best experiences that you can use to your advantage in the future.
When I first left my job to go full time on my business, I invested a big chunk of my personal startup capital into a “friend's” business. Huge mistake. I was too inexperienced to realize the massive risk I was taking by handing over such a huge chunk of change with nothing but a meaningless contract in return. I have still not recovered most of that money and he has completely disappeared. It stings pretty bad to know that I basically threw away a bunch of money that I could have desperately used at the beginning of my venture.
Let's look at 2 HUGE positives that came out of this even though it was impossible to think anything positive at the time:
First, I was put in a position very early in my entrepreneurial career to figure out ways to generate cash. My safety net money was mostly gone so the forcing function was strong. I did not earn huge cash in the beginning but I certainly developed sales skills in a hurry and found ways to keep the cash coming in (at least enough to support the business).
Second, I “earned” an experience to feel pain from the perspective of losing money. This experience has made me a much more ruthless investor and someone who is very careful about how he invests his money. I have become more responsible with my money and this has provided me with a foundation that has allowed me to grow my business over the past 3 years.