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Honesty is the best policy = While writing the Ad we should not hide any important thing from the customers. We should be open and give correct information to customers and it will definitely attract the customers. If the company is honest, people are more likely to stick with your products and services.
AIDA Formula = If you want your ad read by the mass audience, than you should make the ad more attractive and effective. Every company uses AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) formula for attracting the customers. If you are not able to explain the product and service in an effective way or in interesting way than it will not be successful advertising. Therefore, we should add something attractive or offer something new, which attracts the customers and piques their interest and desire for the product and service.
Attractive Headline = The headline of the Ad should be big, easy to read and understand. It should tell you about the product and its advantages. The headline of the ad should tell you everything about the product and its benefits.
Grasping your reader with pictures = While writing marketing Ads, you should add pictures related to products and services. Pictures convey products and services well. Customers are attracted by pictures instead of text. When we include pictures we should take proper care while adding pictures. Pictures should reflect products and services.
Remove the risk = Marketing ads should add the satisfaction guarantee and we should include the word warranty as well as the contact information in case the customers have any concerns or problems. Customers should think that buying the product will be a hassle free experience.
Ads should have a compelling offer = Advertisements should be effective and attractive to convince a large audience. Advertisements should be compelling because they will attract more customers and will be more compelling than the competitor’s offer.
Create a sense of urgency = Advertisements should have a sense of urgency. They should show the benefits and needs of customers. Then customers will buy the products on an urgent basis. Customers always prefer to satisfy their needs, so companies should make advertisements that show a sense of urgency in regards to the product.