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Chapter 4: Expand Your Property
Property expansions, does not always relate to the actual adding on of extra space to the pre-existing unit. It can also mean using the property for other purposes, which does not constitute to it being a living space for a family unit as most conventional uses would entail.
The following are some ways that can be explored when addressing the expansion of property while still keeping in line with regulatory bodies requirements:
A property can be converted into an office space or a place of business. This can be done if the relevant authorities have gazetted the property and the surrounding area for commercial use. Therefore offering the property up for these uses can enhance its value if the said property is in a prime location where the ideal traffic flow can be tapped into.
Using the property to facilitate a home business entity, is also another option that can be explored provided the business style intended is not going to cause any inconvenience or adversity to the surrounding area. This is quite a popular form of starting a business and with the assistance provided for by the governing bodies it has become a fast growing industry.
Expanding the property revenue earning possibilities by redesigning the home into smaller self sufficient and self contained units, will also contribute to the enhanced possibility of deriving more revenue. If such an establishment is well run there would be no shortage of interest in the property. Another feature that would benefit this style of dwellings would be if the property is ideally located within reasonable distance from ah anemeties.
The more conventional way of expanding the property would be to actually physically add on built up sections to the pre existing built up area. Such additions should ideally be around designs like a conservatory, a outdoor barbecue area and lounge, a swimming pool, a green house and any other features that would be deemed attractive and functional to the prospective buyer or investor.
Chapter 5: Perfect Timing To Sell Your Property
There are several reasons that contribute to the ideal time to put a piece of property on the market. Not all the reasons are beneficial to the seller but taking into account the market sentiment of the time would help to ensure better possibilities of a successful sale.
The following are some of the reasons that contribute to the perfect time to put a piece of property on the market:
Timing It
For most people in the house hunting mode, the time of the year is very important for making the necessary arrangements to move. The most dominant factor in most cases would be the change of location which would also mean the change of schools for the children.
This is one of the reasons why most people choose to start house hunting at least 6 months before the school year officially ends.
Having the additional pressure of dealing with unhappy school going children can be quite upsetting as most children do not adjust well when they are up rooted in the middle of a school grade year.
Another popular time of the year that is considered perfect timing to sell any property is during the spring and summer months. This is generally due to the fact that, house hunting during these months of relatively pleasant weather can be a more enjoyable experience, rather than having to do so in the unwelcoming weather conditions of winter.
Having the potential buyer view the property when it can be seen is an airy, sunny and freshens of the day is definitely a plus instead of the dreary winter viewing.
Besides being able to view a property in the best of weather circumstances, there is also the issue of the actual move to contend with. Moving into a new home in the spring and summer months, presents a much lesser challenge, than having to do so in the winter months. From a cost effective angle, moving in winter can be rather expensive as some o f the items may require regulatory heating measures.
Chapter 6: How Deed Restriction Can Increase Property Prices
Most properties are sold based several different selling points that the buyer found attractive, thus making the commitment to purchase. Some of these may include the first impression the property made on the said buyer.
The following are some of the reasons why having deed restrictions can either maintain the property price or help it increase even further:
Great Info
When viewing a property the first impression of the viewing point would be the actual outside facade of the unit, after which the surrounding areas will be viewed with equally careful scrutiny.
There is a niche market where most people considering properties, do so only with areas where the designs come with some form of uniformity, as this present its own unique attraction.
Therefore with deed restrictions in place such uniformity is guaranteed. This will then contribute to the property value, as others with the same desires will seek out such areas where these properties are located.
By buying properties in the type of deed restriction areas, the new house owner will be assured that the neighbour generally stays the same thought-out the tenure of the ownership. This is not only limited to the outward look of the area but can also be an effecting point to the types of occupants that are allowed into the said area.
Therefore it is very unlikely that the home owner will one day have to be confronted with the fact that his or her neighbour or someone on the street is changing the original gazetted use of the house to something else which is contradictory to the deed restriction laws.
These deed restriction properties are not just for home owners but can also apply to business district as well.
Even in this type of commercially run area there can be deed restriction to govern the area so that it stay in its prime conditions always. With this type of careful monitoring and restrictions in place property value will be well maintained as anyone valuing such services and styles will be more than willing to pay the price.