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Imagine you had two different ads created for you. How do you know which one is likely to produce the better response?
In 1886, retail businessman John Wanamaker famously quipped, "I know that 50% of my advertising is wasted. I just don't know which half." But the truth is much worse. In fact, most advertising is wasted, because most advertising is not based on what’s been proven to work.
So to go back to my earlier question: how do you know which ad will perform better?
To answer that question, we must first have a history of test results. That is, we must have a pretty good idea as to what types of elements in an ad produce the best response, based on real-world tests. Not what you think or I think what will do best. Not your mother or next-door neighbor. Not even the million dollar ad agencies. In fact, nobody would really know what to focus on, UNLESS they had access to these proven test results.
And in order to get these test results, there would have to be some way to specifically measure the results of any given ad. We would need to know which types of elements performed well and which did not. Then we could analyze the ads and determine the common techniques used among the successful ones.
Well, fortunately much of this work has been already done for you. There are over a hundred years of history on advertising test results in which you can base your assumptions. So if you knew which kinds of ads performed better, then you might be able to take an educated guess as to which of the two ads would perform better than the other.
Of course, that kind of information is just a “starting point.” You still need to test your own ads.
I’m going to show you how to test your own sales letter the right way, so you can cut the dogs loose and go with the winners every time. And ultimately we’re going to look at how to make your website “learn” to show the most profitable combination of elements that make up a sales letter.
No matter how successful your sales letter is, I can’t stress the importance enough of testing it to improve it even further. Sometimes the tiniest tweak can be responsible for boosting a sales letter’s conversion rate considerably. But how will you ever find out which tweaks those are unless you test them?
On the Copywriting Board and other forums that discuss copywriting, people are always posting their websites, asking for critiques. Sometimes it’s fairly obvious what they could do to improve their response. Other times what we may think will work better can actually make things worse. In the end it doesn’t matter what you or I or other copywriters think. It only matters what your prospects think, and they weigh in on how much they like your headline or offer by purchasing and becoming a customer.