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Are you happy with everything going on in your life right now? Chances are, if you are reading this book, you are looking for some sort of improvement. Maybe you’re looking for some breakthrough in your relationship, because for whatever reason, you or your partner has hit an impasse.
Maybe you’re stuck in a job you hate. Maybe you feel that you are not in the best physical shape you’re otherwise capable of achieving. Make no mistake, pain is part of the human experience.
There’s no such thing as a perfect life. There’s no such thing as a life that involves just an unlimited amount of rainbows, and smiles, and lollipops. We live in reality, and believe me, there is always room for improvement.
At the very least, most of us are living far below our potential. We know we are capable of so much more. We know that we have the raw ingredients for great success and accomplishment in this life. Still, for whatever reason often self-inflicted , we fail to live up to our fullest potential.
So too many of us live lives of guilt, regret, remorse, anger, resentment, and blame-finding. Please understand that if you want to achieve better things in your life, the only person that can truly hold you back spells his/her name this way: Y-O-U.
That’s right, you’re the person holding yourself back. If you don’t believe me, look at the biographies of great people who have accomplished so much. A lot of them went through adversity. A lot of them actually had a long line of people telling them that they are too stupid, too poor, too backwards, too ugly, and gave them a million other reasons why they could not succeed.
Yet they are up there, and you’re down here. You have to understand that it’s not where you come from that defines you. It’s not your painful childhood trauma, or childhood poverty, or lack of advantages that hold you back.
Many people have overcome bone-grinding poverty to die billionaires. A lot of people ended up with great careers, although they faced discouragement their whole life. So it’s not your circumstances that define you.
As the stoic philosopher Epictetus said: It is not circumstances that make the man, they simply reveal him to himself. You have to understand that everything that’s going on around you is an opportunity. You may be thinking to yourself, “Well, I’m going to jail soon, is that an opportunity? My girlfriend just broke up with me, where’s the opportunity there? I’m stuck in a job that sucks, and my boss is an ogre. I don’t see any opportunities.”
Well, the only opportunity that is always present at any time of your life is the opportunity to overcome, because what you consider a trial, an ordeal, or a hassle, somebody else can see as a tremendous blessing. It all depends on perspective.
Because when you change your perspective, You change your character. Unfortunately, too many of us expect the world to be fair. We expect a smooth ride. We expect things to be handed to us. We believe that success is our birthright. We only to start, and before we know it, sooner or later, we will get to our destination.
Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. And to add insult to injury, when we are given this education, we become resentful. We blame other people. We think that life is just a big joke. It doesn’t have to be that way, and it all begins with your subconscious mind.
Please understand that your conscious mind is just part of the equation of your personal reality. If you keep discounting, ignoring, or overlooking your subconscious mind, you’re going to perform far below your fullest potential.
Sure, you may be able to achieve many things, but can you imagine how much more you could have produced with you life if you had tapped into the power of your subconscious mind. I’m not necessarily talking about money, although many people achieve that.
I’m talking about just personal happiness and contentment, and the certainty that you lived a life worth living. Sadly, most of us fail to do this because we put so much stress on our conscious mind that we wear ourselves out. It’s like trying to participate in a bicycle race with a bike that has only one functioning wheel. You neglected the other wheel. You’re not going to get far.
This book teaches you the power of the subconscious mind and how you can use it to your advantage. The conscious mind is limited by perception and experience. It works on a garbage in, garbage out principle. It’s only as good as its input. If you want to maximize the power of your conscious mind, you need something else; you need the help of your subconscious mind.
Using only your conscious mind means living in a psychic prison When you focus only on using your reason and emotion rooted in your conscious mind, you are limited by space, time, and circumstances. There’s a whole other world out there. There are many layers to that world. Unfortunately, you’re completely blind to it because you're focused only on what you can see, touch, taste, hear, and smell. You’re bound by the limitations of your senses.
The conscious mind is very easy to enslave It’s not unusual for great historical people to say and do things that we find repugnant today. How come? They are a product of their times. In other words, they were thinking consciously and rationally based on the world that they saw and interacted with during their historical period.
Yet their lives had the seeds of greatness, and we still benefit from their work and their achievements. Still, their limitations are glaring. You also are just as limited because you rely on your conscious mind. We are very limited people because we are products of our specific circumstances. For example, we are products of our times. It really would be unfair for somebody from several hundred years from now to apply their standards of morality, culture, or whatever else to people living in our time. We are only responsible for what we know. Since we have a certain mindset and a shared set of ideas regarding how things should be in the here and now, we are limited by our times.
This is still a limitation. We're also a product of our conditions. It really would be unfair for us to judge somebody who grew up in a certain environment to behave and have the values of somebody who did not grow up in that environment.
Of course, this has limitations as well. There are certain common values that we expect of human beings regardless of their or biography but, by and large, it is perfectly understandable for people to be judged based on the conditions they found themselves in. It would be great if all of us could overcome our conditions and live up to the highest standards but we're only human.
Another limitation is that we are products of our culture. It’s very easy to define culture as involving a certain types of dress and a certain cuisine. Those are superficial cultural differences. Cultural differences actually run deep. They impact how you view life, your general attitude, how you get along with others, and how you define the good life. Your culture also plays a big role in what your personal priorities and values are.