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Chapter 1: What is Negative thinking?
Negative thinking is thought to interfere, images or ideas that are ugly but haunting is troublesome and difficult to manage so we did not feel free. The disturbing thoughts that give suggestions and images that are suspected, accused, blasphemous, judging and sentencing.
Kind Type of Negative Thinking 1. Think Black and White. Thinking in black and white it is easy but dangerous. Black-and-white thinking is putting the frontiers of thinking in the form of narrow measures. This way of thinking does not contain the values of tolerance, compassion, and ease. People who think black and white is that choosing to do nothing of the wrong, or someone who does not want to be married forever if it cannot get her idol Life Example: Andy cheated by his friend once after that Andy no longer trust him, friends 2. Excessive Generalization. Thinking in general significantly noticed small things or parts and think of it as a whole. This way of thinking by generalization makes people easy to blame, underestimate, but also can enhance in excess. Life Example: When a husband one day find her late preparing breakfast than the other day, he can easily say that his wife "always" too late to prepare breakfast, or "never" just in time to prepare breakfast. Dissension and hostility between groups usually come from negative thoughts generalization.
3. The negative thing beat positives. You select a negative part and think specifically and deep, while the positive forgotten. Life Example: When you receive a lot of positive comments about the results of your work from colleagues in the office, then you feel happy yet. But when there is a criticism of one colleague who reached the ears, you then become moody and thought about it for days and you find it to be imperfect. And you forget the positive things that you have heard. 4. Discounts for positives. You reject positive experiences and emphatically do not consider. Usually, people who think negative like this is not easy to praise and underestimate the kindness of others. Life Example: If you see someone doing a good job, you say to yourself that it's a regular thing and anyone could do such a thing. Cutting the positive significance of a good deed will make people unhappy because they always feel inadequate and grateful.
5. Too fast to conclusions. You interpret things negatively when there are no facts that support your conclusions. Scapegoating Scapegoating is a tactic often employed is to characterize an entire group of individuals according to the unethical or immoral conduct of a small number of individuals belonging to that group, also known as guilty by association. The act of looking for scapegoats often arise in any relationships. Often perpetrated by those "superior" to those who "inferior" to cover up his mistake. If this is done in management, the scapegoat was created as a transfer target fault of the executive (whose accountability bad) to clear his name. Scapegoat in this affair is lower employee position. In a larger scope, scapegoat target can be an individual or particular group. The easiest target is the group that has the characteristics unclear. No, but no. When you say "It's not my fault", consciously or not, you're sending a message to the brain, and your brain will translate that into a message, "I'm not responsible for all this misfortune". On the second catch of the brain that conclusion, on the same second potential and creativity you fall off and immediately locked.
As a result, you will be trapped in the mud prolonged sadness and misfortune. With the passage of time, you are not experiencing a recovery. Instead, you will "self-pity" and became increasingly worse. If you do not practice to take back responsibility, it is certain that you will die in sorrow and misfortune endless! INFERIORITY People are often confused between an inferiority said humbly. Humility does not require that we assess or recognize that we ourselves obtain grace smaller than others. Others are not entirely good, and we also do not entirely bad. There is a difference between a humble people with low self-esteem, we can tell from the attitude of one's actions. People who feel inferior always afraid to do something, happier stand by and do not want to try to overcome the problem for fear of failure. While the humble person will develop the talents and abilities he had with confidence. Understanding Inferiority
Low self-esteem is someone the feeling that someone lower than others in one way or another. Such feelings arise as a result of something real or the result of his imagination alone. Low self-esteem often goes unnoticed and can make the person who is doing overcompensation to compensate. Often, we are more respectful of others rather than themselves. This attitude makes us into a "minder" and may even be reluctant to interact with others.
Of course, the attitude of "minder" will hurt ourselves and the people around us. Because we cannot make ourselves valuable to others and dedicate our talents or skills for the people around us. To overcome the inferior attitude there is one condition, namely, respect ourselves. The forms of Inferiority 1. Love alone 2. Too careful when dealing with other people so that the movement looks stiff 3. Movements are somewhat limited 4. Feeling suspicious of others 5. Do not believe that he has advantages 6. Assume that other who must change 7. Live Rejecting responsibility to change yourself for the better 8. Love exaggerates small issues 9. Using the wrong size. Considers the success of others is so great and looked at the successes themselves smaller.
The causes of Inferiority
1. At Birth. Every person is born with an inferiority complex because at that time he was dependent on others who are in the vicinity.
2. Attitude Parent. Giving opinions and evaluation of negative behaviors and weakness children under six years the child will determine attitude.
3. Physical Limitations. Such as lameness, part facial not proportionately inability hearts talk or vision resulted in emotional reactions and associated with no exciting previous experience.
4. Mental Limitations. Bring a sense of inferiority when doing a comparison with achievement higher than other people, and is currently expected appearance perfect when the rule was not understood.
5. Lack of Social Operate. Family, race, sex, social status or.
Overcoming Low Self
1. Face Fear. Do not avoid, yet he would not result in bad as you think.
2. Respect yourself as God's Creation.
3. Identify Yourself. Recognize yourself is the hardest part of the process of self-respect. Recognize yourself is a process that demands honesty we see and evaluate themselves.
The Power of Positive Thinking 13
4. Overcome Your Weakness. This one is often difficult to do. We often do not want to admit our weaknesses.
5. Forget past failures.
6. Direct Action. A word without deeds is useless. We must not surrender to fate.
7. The Substitution/searching for a replacement. This means that if we find lacking in an area, we can look for other areas as a substitute.
8. Receiving Limitations. Accepting the limitations does not mean simply accepting their fate.
We are entitled to be successful as others. Do not let feelings of low self-controlled in achieving competing desires in life. Cultivate the spirit to be able to compete it is good for the future. Toxic Forms of Psychology and How to Fix 1. Evade Symptoms: Running from reality and ignoring responsibilities. And with escaping the fact we will only get a false happiness that lasts a moment. How to: Stop deceiving yourself. Do not be too serious in dealing with problems Due to a mental hospital was filled with patients who followed his grief and feel the environment a source of frustration. Resolve any problems encountered completely.
2. Fears Symptoms: Not confident, tense, anxious, among others, could be due to financial difficulties, marital conflict, and sexual difficulties. How To: Avoid a person who's dependent on anxiety. Remember, 99 percent of the things we worry about never happen. Use of intellectual analysis and seek solutions to problems through the correct mental attitude. Do not hesitate to seek help from an expert, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist. 3. Selfish Symptoms: materialistic, aggressive, and prefer to ask than to give. How: Happiness would be obtained if we can help others. 4. Stagnation Symptoms stop one phase, making us feel bored, bored, and not happy. How to: Keep growing, meaning that we continue in our future ambitions. 5. Sense of inferiority Symptoms: loss of self-confidence and self-confidence and feel they have no ability to compete. Method: A person cannot win if before the war certain he will lose. When we are confident in our ability, in fact, we've got half of the target we want to achieve. So, success begins when we believe that we can achieve it.
6. Narcissistic Symptoms: a superiority complex, too arrogant, false pride. Method: The proud will easily lose friends, because, without the presence of a friend, we will not be happy. In humility, we will naturally want to hear other people making 50 percent chance of success we have achieved. 7. The self-pity Symptoms: Habits to attract attention, dominant mood, moody, stabbing herself, felt to be the unluckiest people in the world. Method: Do not make yourself into a neurotic, fixated on you. Avoid behaving sentimental and obsessed with dependence on others. 8. Attitudes lazing Symptoms: Apathy, saturation continues, daydreaming, and spending time with unproductive way, feel lonely. How to: Make us to closely follow the work schedule we have planned before by actively working. 9. Intolerance Symptoms: Thoughts petty, petty racial hatred, arrogant, antagonism toward a particular religion, religious prejudice. Method: Settle our emotions through the art of self-control. Observe them intellectually. Remember that the world was created and is created from the diversity of cultures and religions.