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Native-American herbalism is much more composite than herbs merely serving as a plant matrix to deliver physiologically active chemicals.
First of all, because numerous plant elements affect bodily functions and bioavailability, the total remedy is considered the active agent.
Secondly, as plants are believed to possess spirit and intelligence, they're conferred with to determine their best healing relationship with patients, and permission is obtained prior to and gratitude expressed following harvesting them.
Thirdly, involved procedures are utilized to harvest herbs, considering factors like plant part (e.g., flower, stem, root, and so forth), time or season of harvest, sun exposure, and a great deal more obscure factors.
Fourthly, native herbalists utilize plants that come up in dreams, a form of communication by which the plant?s spirit may guide the healer.
Lastly, the plant's healing potency is empowered by ritual ceremony, prayer, song, or chants.