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Sometimes we put off taking action just because we don't feel enthusiastic about it. Entrepreneurs are famous for this, probably because they keep their own schedules and don't report to anyone for the most part. Sometimes, after launching a new business, the thrill is gone and they just feel bored. They need a new challenge. Successful entrepreneurs have learned to combat this feeling and maintain their excitement by taking on new projects or bigger opportunities. They find new challenges and thrive on taking risks. The only caution with this is not to overwhelm yourself and take on more than you can possibly handle.
People avoid taking actions because they let things pile up instead of having one task at a time. The solution is first to be aware that this is your problem, then decide to make a change, then prioritize the work, and take one task at a time until your tasks are finished.
Fear and doubt can start to overwhelm the best of us from time to time. Most of the things you fear will never happen. Here's a secret - people who are really good at moving quickly from one task to the next often do so because it’s even more stressful for them to put something off than it is to do it. You might take a lesson from them. Putting off achieving your goals by not taking action might be more painful than just going ahead and doing it.
If you have low self-esteem, you might believe that you don't deserve success. This can happen because of old negative belief systems or a traumatic past. People with low self-esteem can find all sorts of reasons or excuses not to take the first step to a better future. They can also sabotage themselves at any point along the path. If this is your problem, you're not alone. Look into this for the sake of your future. Many books and Internet forums are dedicated to this subject. Make it a priority to get to the bottom of this. You deserve not to be stuck in this place.
Even if you like most of what you're doing and it is in line with your desired goals, you might not like every part of what you're doing. Successful people do one of two things: they go ahead and do it anyway, or they pay someone to do it for them. Also, you might still be in a job you don't like because you are afraid to leave for financial reasons. Again, you have two choices: stay in a job you don't like and find ways to make it more pleasurable, or face the fact that life is full of risk and change. You'll have to face your fears if you want a more fulfilling life.