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One of life’s hardest lessons to learn is that you are able to only change yourself. Some individuals spend excessive amounts of time and energy worrying or frustrated by other people’s thoughts and behaviors.
You are able to rail against the rain or feel sanguine about the snow, but there is not a lot you are able to do about it. Why should we believe we can change someone else’s behaviors and thoughts with just a couple of choice words? If you toy with it for a minute, it sounds rather ridiculous.
Yet we do not think about it when we have a worrisome reaction to another person’s behavior or words. We say things like, “How could they say such a thing!” or “How can anybody be so rude?” or “don't they recognize how much they hurt me? Why do they do that?”
We frequently react in this way because our emotions are a part of most people’s innate decision-making skills. We react and respond emotionally to emotional needs of our own, rather than in a logical, rational manner. Therefore, when someone touches one of these emotional needs, we can respond in a way that may not make a whole lot of sense to an outside observer.
What you are able to do, is to make a polite request for another to stop the behavior that you find frustrating, annoying or makes you worried But that's it, just once After that, you just become a nag and will be ignored. Repeating something over and over again does not suddenly make people more aware of themselves, it just makes them aware of how annoying you can be.
There is no magic to stopping trying to change other people’s behavior. Catch your thoughts before the upset you or you start getting that worried overwhelming feeling.
If you have already said something, now’s the time to stop and go no further. Unless you are the other individual’s parent, they have probably already heard it and may have even tried stopping the behavior. Hearing it again is not going to suddenly change their behavior.
Individuals can spend weeks, months and in some cases years in psychotherapy working on changing their thoughts or behaviors. They do this to find some way not allow worry and stress overcome them, but you have to realize the change depends on you.
That is because such change often takes that long to understand, practice, and then implement. Behaviors most significant to other people are also likely behaviors that are important to ourselves and not readily changed, even if we wanted to. They sometimes are integrated part of another’s personality or way of thinking about and looking at the entire world.
So save yourself some frustration today and try to learn to stop trying to change others. Focus instead on changing your own faults and you may find yourself living a happier and more peaceful life.