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Chapter 7: What Happens in a Session?
Polarity therapy identifies illnesses arises from blocking or imbalances of the energies. The therapists search beyond the signs of the client may present for the real causes of their patient. In some cases, the presenting symptoms are not the real cause. As a result, therapists begin a wide-range case history, aiming to know the basic element of imbalances.
In addition, therapists also make a structural assessment and similar to that performed by chiropractors and osteopaths. Through this, outer clothing is required to remove. However, most polarity bodywork is done with the customer entirely clothed.
The bodywork involves multiple techniques. The common examples of these are rocking movements and cranial holds. There are also some techniques that are similar to reflexology. The experience of the bodywork is usually deeply relaxing. It may also lead to emotional releases like laughter or tears. The bodywork aspect of the work is quite tough to explain because it needs to be experienced.
The Typical Session
In an ordinary session, the polarity practitioner assesses energetic attributes with the use of palpation, interview and observation methods. Sessions generally take 60 to 90 minutes. It doesn’t require disrobing and involves point specific touch, soft touch and rocking touch.
The energetic touch is the task of polarity practitioners. They perform this with their clients. Vocal interaction is a lively contact which has to do with reading the power in the individual’s words. Contact may be medium, light or firm.
While doing this session, polarity experts support their clients in boosting self-awareness of delicate vigorous sensations, which are often witnessed as warmth, tingling, wavelike movement and expansion. The results of polarity therapy session differ and include profound relaxation.
Polarity therapists also advise their clients to practice dietary change. It helps in balancing the five elements. In addition, because of the toxic growth of waste materials from food additives and other factors, precise purification diets and methods may be provided to get prevent your body from this toxicity.
Individual training may also be given to support the bodywork. Polarity therapists will often help clients to become more conscious onto the concepts of the therapy. Because of holistic approach, this type of therapy can help in solving a wide range of issues.
Polarity therapy can only be completed with the use of multiple techniques.
These techniques include the following:
Bodywork: The practitioner’s hands guide the flow of healing energy in the body of the client. The client usually rests on an ordinary therapeutic table and the therapist palpates contact patterns and points in the energy anatomy of the client. This process is done with full clothes.
Diet: The therapist promotes cleansing and permanence with fresh wholesome energetic foods adapted to meet the needs of the every individual.
Exercise: Polarity yoga and other medication helps in making you feel comfortable and relax.
Self-Awareness: Experts will encourage clients to know themselves and to view the world from an affirmative perspective.
The self-guided and natural techniques provide a comprehensive and
simple method for maintaining good condition and healthy life.
Chapter 8: Polarity Events
The best polarity therapy event holds meetings in more than three hours. This meeting includes the exchange of balances with each other, treatment discussion for specific health problems, get to know other practitioners working in the area, and a lot more.
The following are the typical polarity' event:
Upon visiting a polarity therapist, you will be guided on what to do. Here are the common events happen in a certain polarity therapy session:
Therapy l: Introduction to the Therapy
In this session, it explains to you everything about the therapy. The therapist will discuss how it develops by Dr. Stone. You will also understand the different theories and principles of the therapy. Like other health conscious individuals, you will learn and apply a number of bodywork tactics.
Therapy 2: Explores the Five Elements
This is done with the use of both practical and theory concepts. You will be introduced to the influences of the energetic elements within food consumption and how to balance your diet energetically. You will also learn a number of practical strategies to take away energy blockages and restrictions to the energy flow of the different elements.
Therapy 3: Understand Human Form as a Dynamic Energy System
This therapy session helps you in applying techniques to balance the structure of the physical body, including the spinal column. You will also understand the significance of standards and ethics for practice and the fundamentals of setting up a successful practice.
Other polarity therapy events include workshops and meetings related to the session.
Chapter 9: Selecting the Right Program
Do you want to experience how polarity therapy works? Then, your first move is to look for the right program. Since there are several companies that offer the same services, you may find it hard to pick the best one. Instead of worrying about this issue, simply take the following tips as your guide.
Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Program
There are various factors that you need to consider when choosing the right program and here they are:
Modem Health Care System: There are professionals who specialize in movement dysfunction while others have some specific skills in healing their clients. The main job of polarity therapist is to help their patients to restore maximal function of their bodies. This is the reason why you have to check if they are effective to deal with or not. To do this, you need to know how they treat their clients, how they work and their available health care systems.
Qualities of their Therapist: Not all therapists are the same.
Some have wide knowledge in the field while others don’t have. If you want to get the full benefits of polarity therapy, make sure that you consider their qualifications. You have to deal with someone who can help in solving your major health concern.
Cheap and Quality Therapy Services: If you want to undergo some polarity therapy sessions, you have to check your budget. Some therapists ask high rates while others do not. Whether you can afford or not, it is still best to depend on a therapist with affordable service cost.
After considering the above factors when selecting the right polarity therapy program, you are certain that you can choose the best one. Thus, you can easily improve your overall health conditions.