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Chapter 4: Use Social Media Video To Get People To Your Blog
The use of video has become an important and popular tool for most people posting information on the internet. Perhaps one of the reasons contributing to its popularity is the greater level of attention the visual and audio presentation form is able to garner as compared to the written word campaigns used to promote anything.
Using Video
There is definitely a rising trend of opting to use the video form for delivering the relevant information on the social media stage today. The use of video in the social media platform is dictating how information is being communicated. Thus finding ways to create visually attractive information packages is definitely one of the best ways to encouraging traffic to a site. In the quest to garner as much interest as possible to a site, one would be advised to seek competent video production companies to work with so that good quality video can be designed and made. If this is not possible another option that can also be equally beneficial would be to make one’s own video presentation using a good flip cam.
Encouraging previous satisfied customers and best clients to participate or be featured in the video is also another very good element to include. This inclusion would create the necessary confidence needed to make the featured item a success. Getting clients excited about becoming a source for referrals for the items featured is also beneficial, as this is very emotionally stimulating.
Today there are a lot of reality style visual attracting the attention of audiences which eventually become contributing factors to the success of what is being “sold”. Therefore using the video tool to promote one’s blog is not only a good idea but will also ensure a healthy number of viewing interests. Keeping the video relevant and exciting will stimulate the viewer into participating where necessary.
Chapter 5: Build A Community
The success of any online site depends largely on the amount of visitors it is able to attract. This is where the successful building of a community that is part of the site’s success an important and vital feature. There are several ways to go about doing this and below are just some to consider:
Build It
Learning from and studying other successful sites will give the individual an idea of what is needed and relevant to building a strong community. Sometimes a little and trial and error is needed in the exercise to eventually coming up with a site that is both pleasing and attractive, thus creating the interest which will eventually lead to the presence of a strong following or community.
Affiliating one’s site with other relevant sites is also an advantage in pursuing the building of a community. Having as many links as possible but ensuring these links are of a certain standard and informative for the community is also advised.
There must be a common purpose evident in the site to ensure the community’s interest. Using the tools that are familiar to the community will also help keep the community interested in visiting the site. Most visitors will not be impressed with tools they are not familiar with.
Posting material that is relevant is also the reason the community is built, as the visitors visit the site to view the specific information found at the site. Also including some comments or ideas of those in the community may be a welcome introduction as such participation can be deemed respectful. It is also a great way to recognize the members’ contributions and loyalty.
Encouraging the current members to contribute through referrals also helps to expand the community. This is an especially effective tool to use in order to garner more visitors as the members of the community can be believable advertisers.
Chapter 6: Direct All Of This To Your Blog
Designing and maintaining successful blogs is the intention of all those who set out creating blogs. The success of any blog really depends on the amount of visitors it manages to attract at any given time. Therefore understanding and applying all the helpful tools and ideas towards this end is worth exploring.
A Success Of It
As previously disseminated there are a variety of tools available on the internet today that can be used to enhance the quality of any blog. Ensuring the relevant tools are chosen and applied will help towards the success of the blog. Including the following will also help:
Creating a good and interesting first impression by designing a pleasant welcoming page and brief descriptive note of the eventual content is advised. Keeping the tone professional yet friendly and inviting should be considered, as this allows for a non threatening platform to be established.
Having a comfortable amount of posts without overwhelming the visitor is also important. Too few posts may seem lackluster and too many may come off overwhelming. Keeping the links and information posted of the same or similar material or wave length is prudent in ensuring the visitor is not confused.
Make the subscriptions to any links featured easily accessible. There is nothing more frustrating for the visitor trying to access the link only to find it user unfriendly. Including an email version of the RSS feed could be useful to the visitor.
Wrapping Up
Promote this all vigorously. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to promote. Browsing sites that might give added value to be linked to will prove to be useful to the visitor, thus garnering the future and perhaps even constant visits.
Leaving or participating in other blogs by leaving valuable comments or trailers on social sites will encourage interested parties to visit your pages. Being an initiator or a regular contributor to other sites within the niche, that is both respected and liked will eventually direct hits to one’s own site.