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While how you build and interact with them is up to you, there are some best practices to consider when capturing leads. Email marketing is no new phenomenon; many techniques, tones and methods have been proven to work. This step will take a look at some of them.
Offer Value - I see a lot of websites that just have a “Please Subscribe To Our Blog” link. While this will attract some people, it isn’t as effective has having some sort of offer in exchange for the email address. Many more people will sign up if your offer is something like “Sign up to our FREE Newsletter now and get instant access to...”. The offer could be a eBook you wrote, an eBook you bought (with resell rights) or even a coupon based on your product or service.
More Info = Less Subscribers - The more info you ask for, then the less subscribers you will get. I personally only ask for first name and email address. I know some marketers who only ask for the email address, but then they lose out on the benefits of personalization (more on that later).
Don’t Spam - When you have people on your list, you shouldn’t treat them poorly. Don’t make everyone one of your emails to the list be some sort of offer. Don’t hit your list up 5 times a day with offers. Some marketers claim that they get best results with daily mailers, while other marketers only mail once a week.
Free Content Builds Trust - When you are mailing your list, you don’t have to sell every time. Sometimes you can just offer a freebie, a tip or a how to guide. When people receive free bonuses like this it makes them feel more trusting of your future mailings.
Build Relationships - Treat your list well! The goal here isn’t to build a list as much as it is to build relationships. Respond to people who email you, ask questions to keep the flow of communication open as well. Treat your list as if you were emailing friends, this will help you treat your list properly.
Quality vs. Quantity - Of course a bigger list is better, but there is something to be said for quality. If you have a list of 500 people, in your own area who are very interested in your services, that is better than 2500 people overseas who never act. Don’t be worried if your list isn’t as big as others - if it converts better then who cares? 7. Be Consistent - Whatever frequency you decide to email at, I would stay consistent. This is a personal preference, but I believe it is an important step. You won’t leave people wondering where your latest email was, and it can build anticipation.
Remind People to Whitelist - SPAM filters on email do a decent job deflecting SPAM, but they can also deflect quality emails, including yours! I like to add a line to the top of my emails (or bottom) that says something like: “Please add *your email* to your address book to ensure you receive our emails”.