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Prevention Systems have been a leader in the diet and exercise market for many years. Their products and services are available through an online website and their products are available for sale through DVD, magazine and book sales.
In 2010, Prevention publicized their Flat Belly Diet a weight loss program that promises weight loss of 15 pounds in a 32-day period together with the development of a flat looking stomach without the “love handles”. Its philosophy is that you lose weight by what you eat not by the exercises you do and do not do, and no exercise is required by the diet to lose weight, though it is highly recommended as part of a healthy life style approach to weight loss. The program is designed so that you can eat food once every 4 hours, so there is definitely no starvation involved.
What Is the Basic Philosophy behind the Diet?
The Flat Belly Diet focuses on a diet that is based on a Mediterranean diet and a calorie intake of approximately 1600 calories per day. It encourages the eating of whole grains, fruits, lean protein, nuts, beans and seeds. Red meat is only eaten very sparingly once a month.
The diet which is detailed in the NY Times bestseller Flat Belly Diet book, encourages the eating of monosaturated fats at every meal. These fats are called “MUFA” in the book and include the good fats found in such foods as dark chocolate, olive oil flax and soybeans. The philosophy behind the diet is that by eating these, they target and burn belly fat.
What Support Is Offered by the Parent Organization?
No direct support is provided by Prevention as there are no requirements to join as a member of Prevention to go on the program. Prevention hosts a website that has many weight loss, exercise and lifestyle type articles on it and a daily opt-in email, but not specific to the Flat Belly Diet. There are online tools available to dieters to track their activity, food intake but these tools are also not specific to this specific diet, and there is no need to use them. The website also has an online community that provides peer support if the dieter wants that type of support.
How Does the Diet Work?
The dieter commences the diet by buying the book for advice on how to proceed with the diet and then begins a 4 day detoxification program designed to “clean out” the body and kick start the diet. The dieter then continues on a month of eating meals selected from the book and based on healthy food choices aimed at changing previous bad habits and encouraging good habits.
Though the diet continues for approximately 32 days, the choices make continuing it through life a simple process and one most people tend to adopt into their lifestyle.
The Flat Belly Diet will cause weight loss but most experts believe this is due to water loss not actual weight loss. It is not supported by available research. The diet however is an excellent approach to a healthy life style and the program is easy to follow and will produce weight loss.