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One of the best ways to make serious money online is through Email Marketing. Please, do NOT go out and purchase a list of email addresses and SPAM everyone with your affiliate link. These are unsolicited emails and could get you in trouble and/or the people you email to have had their email address sold 1,000 times and have been SPAMMED like crazy and will NOT be interested in your product. They most likely won’t even have or use that email address anymore. A lot of beginners make this mistake, and pay for it.
The EXCITING truth about Email Marketing however is much better. There are lots of companies out there that offer targeted email campaigns. They send out millions of emails getting people to ‘Opt-In’ and say that they ARE interested in receiving emails about specific products. These companies don’t give you the email addresses, they email your campaign themselves, because they are reputable and people have already ‘Opted-In’ to receive emails from them therefore it is NOT SPAM. Plus, they WANT to receive offers about your product. Let’s say you want to promote a weight loss product. You find a company who has a database of ‘Opt-In’ weight loss customers who want to lose weight and receive information about weight loss. You create an email that sells your product and you include your affiliate link to the product in the email.
Let’s say you email 10 Million weight loss customers. Out of 10 Million Emails let’s be conservative and say 2% of the people will click on your affiliate link inside your email. That’s 200,000 clicks/views to your product. Now, let’s be conservative again and say that only 2% of those 200,000 people actually buy something. That would be 4,000 purchases. With ‘Fat Loss 4 Idiots’ the most popular weight loss program on clickbank, the commission is $26.80.
That’s pretty good money for one Email Campaign that takes only about 1 month to complete. Starting to see the possibilities? The conversion rate for purchases has shown to be better than 2% for most of the popular clickbank items. On average, the good products sell 1:15. (1 purchase for every 15 views) which comes out to about 6.6%.
If you can be involved in effective, targeted email marketing, you can make a LOT of money on the internet. It’s basically a numbers game.