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Momentum killers are serious threats to your success in achieving both small and large goals. Threats to momentum might look like riding a bicycle on an uphill road versus a flat, straight road. The difference can make you tire easily and even give up if the road is too steep.
The fricton created by momentum killers work against your forward moton and has a negatve impact on your eventual accomplishments. Fricton examples might be anything from distractons when trying to work to negatve self-talk keeping you from achieving bigger and better things.
When a sports team suffers from loss of momentum, it's likely because the leader didn't recognize the signs of momentum killers in the midst. The same thing can happen in your own life and cause you to lose your sense of direct on and focus. A team may lose their drive and you may also lose your excitement and enthusiasm about the "game" you're in.
There are many examples of momentum killers. Some may not apply to you and your personality and way of geffing things done - others may cause pause for concern. Take a look at the following killers of motvaton and decide which you should be concerned about:
Procrastination - This is likely the biggest killer of momentum in anyone's life. When you procrastnate, you're at a complete standstll. If you're waitng for "things" to improve before you begin something, chances are the t me will never be exactly right and your procrastnaton atttude will only make it more difficult to move forward.
Fear - Another sure-fired way to stop the flow of momentum. Fear causes you to quit or at least stop taking risks by moving forward. Fear is what keeps a team from winning because they stop trying. Wayne Gretzky, ice hockey champion and head coach, said: "Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy."
Success - How could success possibly be a momentum killer? Team leaders notce that after an enormously sought-after win, some teams tend to stop learning and are more reluctant to face challenges or implement risks. It happens to individuals too - when a lofty goal such as losing 20 pounds is reached, some people return to old habits of eatng too much and not exercising enough.
Routine - Sameness is a roadblock to momentum because it doesn't keep you motvated and moving forward. Momentum gets its power from challenges and interestng and excitng positve changes rather than repeatng the same actvity or thought patterns without change.
Bad Habits - If you've wanted to be fit and healthy for as long as you can remember, eatng junk food and avoiding exercise isn't going to build momentum to satsfy the desire. The "mass" of the desire may seem to be too much to gather momentum, but you can do it by transforming bad habits into good ones.
Distractions - Distractons can turn momentum into madness. No matter how badly you want something, constant distractons can pull the rug from beneath your carefully laid plans, causing it to crash and burn forever.
Negative Self-Talk - It's easy to be motvated and think positve thoughts when things are going well in your life - but when negatve things begin to happen, negatve self-talk can squash it in a minute.
Lack of Motivation - Motvaton can ruin a good idea or good intentons. At first glance, everything may be full of excitement and possibilites. As you move along with a project or idea, the sameness and little things you must do to make it a reality can become boring - much like a child's toy on Christmas Day becomes just another toy in the box within a few days.
Failure - Failure should be used to build momentum, but sometimes it can shoot down an idea or goal in mid-air. Failure can be a stepping stone to success if used to build momentum rather than using it as a reason to give up.
Apathy - Losing passion for a project or goal can cause momentum to wane and eventually disappear. Become your own cheerleader and keep the enthusiasm up to keep momentum up.
All of the above momentum killers can be dealt with if you're committed and determined to let momentum take over in your life and help you accomplish everything you're capable of. Read on to find out how fight momentum killers and win.
Ten Tips to Help You Win Against Momentum Killers
The list above may seem monumental to deal with on a daily basis, but if you're to accomplish great things in life (or even some of the small ones) you've got to learn how.
You've got to choose a directon and keep on the path by creatng a vision of what you want and never taking your eyes off it. Here are some bps for dealing with the above momentum killers and winning - even against all odds.
Ironically, the best way to overcome procrastnaton is to create -momentum! The longer you wait to begin a project or a new way of life the more difficult it becomes. Procrastnaton creates resistance and that resistance is difficult to overcome because we perceive it as too hard to achieve. What you're really doing is avoiding the issue. Feel and think well by leaving procrastination in your rear view mirror.
Fear causes you to quit what you're doing or what you may have been capable of doing. You stop taking risks, stop trying to move forward and just give up when you allow fear run your life. The best way to deal with fear is to conquer it one step at a tme. Ask yourself what would happen if you were really brave enough to create momentum with a project or life change. You'll likely find that the positve results would outweigh the negatve.
A_er you've "arrived," the passion may dwindle for you to accomplish more. The best thing you can do a_er a success in any area of your life is to immediately find a greater challenge or risk to concentrate on. You've already proven you can succeed in one area - now, create momentum for another of life's challenges.
Momentum isn't built on routnes, but on change. Change of some type must become part of your daily challenges and risk-taking so that boredom doesn't set in and make it impossible for you to become excited or enthused. The change mechanism can be small or large, but it needs to be enough to keep you challenged.