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Chapter 9: Other Projects
You can outsource almost any project imaginable. As long as there are people that are experts in the field, you will be able to find a provider that can meet your needs.
On top of the more common projects such as software related and ghostwriting, there are many others that have become popular over the past couple of years.
Finance projects have gained a lot of steam recently. These are projects in which providers are in charge of managing a certain financial aspect of a business. The most common types of projects that are outsourced are ones that have to do with billing and collection; better known as accounts payable and accounts receivable.
A lot of companies have also decided to outsource sales and marketing projects to experts in the field. This is a great way for any company to sell and market products without having to hire a full-time employee. These projects can include any job that has sales and marketing aspects built into it. Telemarketing is also included in this category, and is becoming increasingly popular.
Administrative support projects are widely available. The companies that are looking for administrative support are searching for people that can help them out with their day to day tasks. This includes customer service, data entry, researching, and word processing.
Listing out every project that could be outsourced is impossible. In all actuality any project that will garner interest from providers, regardless of what it is, can be outsourced.