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Another method of affiliation is the process by which an affiliate will work to bring business to the affiliated company’s website through the use of an affiliate link. This link will be unique to the affiliate, and every customer that visits the website through that link will be logged as having been referred by that specific affiliate. The affiliate will then receive a commission on any purchases that their “lead” (the customer they referred to the site) makes.
This means there is no paying up front or holding of materials. You are essentially just processing orders that are fulfilled by the company as they come through. This could be for either physical or digital products… or even services.
It is important to establish the fact that the company with whom you are affiliated has a reliable method of tracking their sales or you are going to find yourself in the position of bringing in an unknown number of leads without receiving a penny from it. Another fact which you should establish with the company with whom you are affiliated is how (or if) you will receive a commission in the event that the customer chooses to browse the website then leave, returning to the website at a later time by linking directly to the site rather than traveling through your link.
Most companies solve this problem by tracking their customers through their cookies; the bread crumb trail that a browser leaves as they traverse the Internet. In this manner the company will be able to see an individual that has made a purchase was at the site one time previously and traveled through this affiliate link (yes, that really is possible). The difficulty here lies in that when the facts about cookies and their potentially harmful consequences came to light web surfers became more diligent in deleting their cookies and removing any hints of their browsing history from their computers.