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Affirmations are the most essential factors in positive thinking. The word itself denotes a very powerful and positive expectations and understanding towards life. Negative elements could stumble in our thoughts yet could be transformed into positive ones.
Purifying Affirmations
Most people think that this is the most difficult of all affirmations. This type of affirmation is a form of positive thinking that mainly focuses on cleansing any unwanted and unneeded factors that bother you. It may be your suppressed negative emotions, bad or traumatic memories, disasters, illusions and so much more. This is one way to release needles inside of you and create better personalities and even energies.
Admitting Affirmations
These are thoughts that allow or open something to happen. Though this could give you wellness, it neutralizes positive or negative energies. This means that the release of these perceptions could either result to good or bad. The concept of receiving, allowing and accepting something are at times misunderstood. As mentioned earlier, balance is still important here.
Contemplating Affirmations
These are favorable perceptions in life wherein you aim for the better. The enhancement of this affirmation is based on your good intentions. Intentions bring different results to your affirmations so make sure that your intentions would cause wellness to everyone not just to yourself.
Applying Affirmations
This is bringing your affirmations into manifestation. All your thoughts, positive ones of course, would then be transformed into action. Ideas that kept on bugging you would be discharged. Only the results would help you identify if your perceptions are pleasant or not.
Associating Affirmations
This concedes your inner consciousness and helps you embrace it. Associating affirmations is when you connect one specific intuition to another and bringing one or all the affirmations mentioned together. This would then broaden your points of view and could even help you avoid negative factors and energies to take over.