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Soon, a time will come when your home business won’t stay a home business. Actually, our perspectives of home businesses are quite stilted. For most of us, a home business means a cottage enterprise that works with traditional methods and has a small scale production and a commensurately small income. However, we need to change this impression. Home businesses only start at home; there’s no limit to how far they can go.
People who have started building websites from home with just a concept in mind have now made their websites global. Hotmail, now a part of MSN, is a very good example of that.
Actually, right from the moment you seek your first client or get your first customer for your home business, you should stop treating it as a home business because it has not stayed at home. You have taken it outside already. Your physical space is the home, but your business’ space isn’t. It has gone higher.
Hence, you must be ready for these things right from the start. You are going to have a global presence, however small it is. You are going to become famous on the Internet, your name might figure on Google, many things can happen. It is highly fallacious, then, to call your business as a home business.
But you have to learn to be ready for that leap. You are playing in a global arena. It’s not about earning just a few dollars a day. Speak with your accountant about the tax matters. Consult with a lawyer wiio you could use if needed, especially to check contracts. Find a technician who would repair your computer at short notice. All these preparations have a much greater worth than you might think -they give you a strong indication that your business is going to be bigger than you have expected it to grow.