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So, why was the Internet invented?
That?s a good question. We use the Internet so much right now that we hardly give this a thought. The Internet has seeped into almost every area of our lives. Like water or air, we are almost taking its existence for granted. All right, water and air do not undergo technological advancements… they are natural things that will be just like they are since time immemorial… and the Internet is undergoing one new advancement a minute, but then the fact still stands. That the Internet is something that has become so prevalent right now that we use it without giving a second thought about its existence.
The Internet was hardly invented at one particular time in history. It was invented in bits and pieces, so to speak, and then the various small inventions were combined into a large whole that became the World Wide Web. That is how the Internet came into existence. They say that necessity is the mother of invention. That was really proven true in the case of the Internet. It was the need for a stable and secure mode of communication that led to the invention of this medium during the World War 2, which later developed into the Internet. A very preliminary form of the Internet was used during the War to send messages to the troops. This was a highly secure system and it ran in a very closed manner; the outside world had no access to it whatsoever. But, definitely, this was the development of the Internet.
Many different avatars later, and six decades later, we have the Internet as it is in front of us right now. We are using it day in and day out and not giving the slightest thought to the various efforts that went into shaping it the way it has become now.
But, what is important for us to remember at this point is that the Internet is a medium that has grown in utility immensely since those times. In the past, the Internet was just a means of communication. You could consider it to be something like an advancement of a wireless system. That is what it was supposed to be—a highly sophisticated and advanced means of communication that did not fall into the enemy?s hands.
And then came the time when people started regarding the Internet in quite another manner altogether. When it went public, it became a source of information. The concept of website was developed. People from all over the world, mostly companies and organizations back then, could make websites and make them live on the Internet. Most corporate entities and other organizations took up this opportunity wholeheartedly. They made their online presence, and started getting in touch with their customers.
The biggest revolution of the Internet came in the nineties. This was the time when the Internet changed from being just a medium of secure communication and converted to being an information highway. This was one of the primary purposes of its existence, but it was not until the dawn of the nineties that it was really put to use.
People now realized that they could share information on the Internet. They realized that the information put into the online world will remain as it is and that they could tap into it whenever they needed. They understood that they could keep this information over the Internet for posterity. Even if civilizations would be wiped out, they could leave their indelible mark on the Internet. Most importantly, people found out that they could use the Internet to find out whatever they wanted to know, regardless of geography, demography, culture or even time. They could visit a country virtually and find out more about it. They could read a book that was never released in their country. They could find out about various nuances of science that they always wanted to find out. They could understand about things that they needed to but did not know whom to ask.