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A lot of up and coming writers ask whether to publish their own work online or do it the old-fashioned way. Of course this decision is not as simple as picking whichever you like. Each one has its own pros and cons that make the choice a tad more complicated.
Traditional Publishing
One of the best advantages of going traditional is the prestige of easier access to media and more street credibility. Shelf space is also a good means of promoting your book. Publishing your book this way also means an advance comes your way. You can write for this without worrying about sales although bad sales may affect future advances.
On the downside, you can expect lower profit per book usually at 10% royalty. Getting a deal can be quite difficult and once you do, you lose control over your book. You are bound by deadlines which may or may not be convenient for you.
In self-publishing, you retain control over your book and enjoy a much higher profit margin. This means you can update it anytime you wish. It is relatively inexpensive as long as nothing is outsourced. No need to get your book approved and you can work at your own pace. Switching to traditional publishing is always an option.
5 The Kindle Profit System
No advance means no money if no one buys your book. You do everything by yourself with no help in editing and proof reading. Formatting and cover design are all up to you as well. However, these can be outsourced for your convenience.
Chapter I: Kindle Bookstore 101: A Brief Review
Choosing the self-publishing route means Amazon will be your primary sales channel. It offers a number of advantages when publishing your book. First off, what is the Kindle Bookstore?
The Kindle Bookstore
In 2007, Amazon introduced the Kindle which is an electronic reading device. It makes use of wireless connectivity to allow users to browse, search and download eBooks, magazines, blogs, newspapers and other digital media. Content is downloaded off Amazon’s own Kindle bookstore. From 88,000 digital titles, the library quickly grew to more than 765,000 titles by 2011.
Think of the Kindle bookstore as a search engine for books. Anything that ranks well and becomes popular does not need further promotion. The good news is that Amazon will pair books in the “bought with” section. This helps in providing more exposure for your books.
6 The Kindle Profit System
Though a relatively new phenomenon, book sales from the Kindle bookstore are increasing at a remarkable pace. With the success of the device, more and more people are buying books electronically. Amazon is clever enough to expand their customer base by offering a Kindle app for every platform there is.
In terms of volume, the Kindle bookstore offers a much more competitive offering than the big boys Barnes and Noble’s. The diligent community of users who put out book reviews also helps.
While offline book sales are dropping, online sales are going the opposite direction. This trend is set to continue as predicted by experts.
If you plan to self-publish, selling your book via the Kindle bookstore is a must. But how exactly do you do this?
Publishing on the Kindle Bookstore
Being a published author on the Kindle bookstore is pretty straightforward. This is possible through the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program. It allows you to participate in the 70% royalty program and your book becomes available in all Kindle devices.
To publish your book, you need an account and have it on file. It is recommended that it is uploaded in DOC or PRC format but other formats are accepted as well.
7 The Kindle Profit System
Any links in your eBook should be edited to be human readable.
This is to allow them to type it in their browsers.
Formatting your eBook according to Kindle standards is a must. Page breaks must be avoided and proper coding must be observed to make it appear the way you want to. You can always make changes after uploading as you see fit. To make it easier to find your eBook, you want to select your keywords carefully. Keep in mind that rankings affect its exposure and with thousands of other titles you want to get this right for maximum exposure.
Although a product image is optional, it is recommended that you upload one anyway. Images may be uploaded in .tif or .jpg format of at least 500 pixels although 1200 pixels are recommended. An image also helps in selling your product. You can put any price for your eBook but remember that Kindle advertises these to be $9.99 or lower.