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How to Create a Stunning, Professional Blog With the Potential to Become a ‘Top’ Blog
Ever wanted to become a top blogger? In many ways, this is the perfect job and it will give you a chance to earn a living by writing about a subject that you love, all at your own pace.
Working as a blogger means that you make passive income. In other words, you earn money from the people who visit your site – meaning that the money comes in as long as your site is live. That means you aren’t exchanging your time for money anymore and taking a day off from work won’t cost you a day’s wages. You could spend all of tomorrow in bed and you would still make a ton of money from your blog! Oh, and if you reach the very top of your game, then the amount of money you can actually earn is gigantic.
At the same time, you’ll be a minor celebrity. It’s an amazing feeling to be a leader in your niche: to write content that people can’t wait to read and then to receive fan mail and questions. These days, becoming a blogger is actually one of the very best ways to become famous in fact!
Then again, if you’d rather stay anonymous then you can do that too!
Like I said: it’s the perfect way to earn money.
The only problem is that it’s a method that just about everyone wants to get involved with. If you want to be a top blogger, then you’re certainly not the first to try it and you certainly won’t be the last. Unfortunately, countless people have attempted this and failed in the past, so the question is: what can you do to be different? How can you succeed where others have failed?
There are actually many answers to this question and if you want a completely blueprint to becoming a top blogger, then you need to read the full ebook: Journey to Top Blogger.
In this report though, you’re going to learn everything you need to know in order to get off to the best possible start. In other words, we’re going to look at how to build that blog in the first place. How to create a blog that has the potential to become a top blog. This will show you what makes the difference between a truly professional blog with the chance to become a gigantic household name and a much smaller blog that will never gain true recognition.
It Starts With the Niche and the Brand
Before you can even begin thinking about how to create your blog, you need to choose your niche. The niche is of course the subject matter – this is what your site is about, whether that is fitness, money, dating, gardening, weddings or something else entirely.
A great niche is going to be something that has broad appeal so that you can gain the maximum number of readers, but it also has to be something that isn’t too broad. By carving out your own niche, you will give yourself unique avenues through which to market yourself and you’ll set yourself apart from the competition.
Often a good way to do this is to choose a big niche and then to hone in on a smaller aspect of that niche.
So you have your ‘fitness’ niche but within that, you also have a huge number of smaller subcategories. These include such things as:
- Bodybuilding
- Weight loss
- Crossfit
- Bodybuilding for students
- Weight loss for the elderly
- Fitness for nerds
Another option is to combine niches. The ‘fitness for nerds’ niche is an example of this and it will give you the opportunity to blog both about fitness and about nerd culture. This is something that is done very well by the excellent blog ‘Nerd Fitness’.
Either way, make sure you stand out and make sure that you have something that sets you apart on the basis of niche alone. Don’t be ‘just another fitness site’ because that doesn’t give your visitors any reason to subscribe to you. There are plenty of fitness sites out there already!
Mission Statement
In order to build a top blog, you need to begin thinking about the brand too. Note that ‘brand’ in this case does not just mean the logo – a brand is actually much more than a logo and instead speaks to the very ‘mission statement’ and the very objective of your site.
A mission statement is basically a statement of intent: this is your way of saying what you want your site to accomplish and why you’re passionate about that. This is what sets your blog apart and if you have combined multiple different subject matters, then your mission statement is somehow going to communicate that.
A mission statement has nothing to do with you making money and nothing to do with ‘what’ you do on a daily basis. This is why you do what you do and it is why people should care and why they should be excited.