Ebook Sample Content Preview:
This is obviously an important factor to consider right? The first way you will make sales is obviously through the lead generation marketing techniques that we've discussed. Prospects will see your ads and click directly to your website. Your website will teach them some kind of valuable information that they've been looking for because your site will have informative reading content that specifically relates to your visitors niche area of interest.
They will be grateful for this information you give them and this is going to cause your prospects to have great respect for you. After reading the powerful information, they will trust you. They will view you as an expert in your industry and they will explore the rest of your website. In a subtle way, at the end of this information, you will have eye catching sales material but this material won't scare them away because it won't be pushy. You will only be subtly recommending your product or service. You will REALLY be selling them a product or service without them realizing they are being sold. Instead, it is thought of as a recommendation, just like the way you purchased this report.
If you recall, I didn't do anything illegal, immoral, or slick to get you to purchase this report. You won't be either. You won't sell garbage. You will be suggesting that they purchase a valuable information product from you that will make their life much easier or better for them. Your information product will promise and deliver to take away some of their pain, frustration, etc. You will also explain to them why your product is worth hundreds of dollars. Then, you will let them in on the good news that they only have to spend xxx amount for it versus the hundreds that it is worth. Then you will ask them to click on the order button.
Your order button will automatically process your orders using a service such as PayPal....just like you did when you bought this report. PayPal, and services like that, offer you the ability to accept credit cards all over the world right from your home. Then, PayPal or whatever merchant you use, will automatically deposit your money directly into your existing checking or savings account! Once you get going, this is all on autopilot and you just keep getting deposits.
It does take time to set this all up so don't misunderstand. You will have to either build your site yourself or pay someone to do all of this for you. My suggestion is to do it yourself because you'll save the money obviously but also, you need to learn how to do all of this if you are going to operate an online business. This kind of stuff is as easy as typing, copying, and pasting for the most part so don't freak out.
I didn't know squat when I got started and next thing you know, I'm accepting payments worldwide, I have forms on my website and autoresponders sending out emails for me. I mean, it's amazing what can be accomplished without knowing HTML and JavaScripts now days.
Once it is all set up, your time can be freed up to do things that matter like driving more people to your site to make more money! Placing ads or advertising will always be necessary but for the most part, you are on autopilot and you can come up with more ways to make more money while you're making money. It is a nice cycle of events. I personally have a great time setting up things like this and if you want to get going but don't want to do the work to be set up, let me know and we can work out a deal and I'll do it for you. No big deal.