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On one hand a website provides you the unique opportunity to market and sell your products/ services as well as to establish your credential all the world over while on the other hand the website itself can become your key earning tool.
The first and foremost way is to earn money from your website is through procuring sponsorship and advertisements. As your website grows in popularity, major players will start choosing your site for publishing their advertisements, perhaps in the same way, you had started popularizing your website at the initial stages. Big companies and banks, Insurance Companies, Placement agents want to publish their advertisements to amass their popularity among the visitors. They prefer the websites, which have got more visitors and page view rates.
One such starter’s kit is Google Adsense. Google publishes various shaped advertisements at your site for sponsorship while Adsense promotes this. Perhaps this has reached the peak today for the beginners as the Internet World and Google have proved to be cohesive. Even you can find the other Internet giants like Yahoo and others have started following up the same technique.
The registration technique is fairly simple. Just go to the Adsense site, get yourself registered. Google will display several options including types and colours to choose from. Once you have selected the style/ colour/ size etc, Google will build the code for you, which you need to simply copy and paste in your web pages. It is sometimes forecast that Google Adsense gives your website a higher rank in the Google search engine which is yet to be proved.
Now this is hightime for us to discuss a bit about Google Adsense. The key parameter of Adsense is the content. The content may be of any type starting from the educational content and ending up with a backgammon website. Google searches the keywords from the content of each page and displays advertisements that suit them the most.
Just for an example a donate car site will have Advertisements of car donation related activities and sites like Charity Donation, Car Donation, Charitable Donation, California Donate Car, Top 10 Donate a Car sites. Advertisement varies over a period of time, because Google displays Ads dynamically until and unless some advertiser expresses his willingness to publish his advertisements on a particular web page. An education page should contain the advertisements Critical thinking, the teaching company, online training system, faculty jobs, eLearnig etc.