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Chapter 1: Introduction
Internet marketing can mean a lot of things. For some, internet marketing is practically synonymous with affiliate marketing. This is the process of selling products made by other people in order to earn commission.
But internet marketing can be more than that too. Of course, internet marketing can mean building a website or a blog, building a massive audience for that platform, and then making money from adverts (Google AdSense for instance) or selling your own products.
Internet marketing might mean selling a digital product such as an ebook or an online course.
Internet marketing might mean selling something physical.
Internet marketing may mean promoting a website as the end in itself – simply building a channel so that you can spread the word about something that’s important to you, or so that you can try to promote yourself to grow your own career. I recently spoke to a group of creative writers and explained to them how learning the basics of marketing on the web could allow them to promote themselves and find publishers!
And of course, internet marketing might mean marketing an existing business in order to gain more customers and make more sales. Any small business should be interested in marketing themselves online.
The fact of the matter is: internet marketing means getting word out on the web and it means creating brilliant content. And if you can do either or both of those things, then you can make the web work for you.
Once you do that then pretty much anything is possible.
Literally. We’ll see later in this book how the ability to work online can allow pretty much any of your wildest dreams and plans to come true – whether that means earning a passive income and travelling the world, or whether it means growing a massive business or working on projects that you are truly passionate about and getting paid for it!
The only problem is that very few people have any idea what makes the web tick. People tell me they want to start their own business selling crafts, or they tell me that they want to start blogging for fun but they have zero clue what that entails. What is SEO? What is marketing?
If you’re sitting there smugly thinking that you already know the basics of internet marketing, then time for a reality check. Because even if you know the basics of internet marketing, there’s a good chance that you don’t have all of the advanced skills you need to really make any project into a success.
In this book then, I am going to start by outlining those basics. I’m going to teach you internet marketing 101 for those of you with no prior experience. This is what makes the web tick. This is your bread and butter.
But from there, I’m then going to dive into the much more advanced stuff that many ‘internet marketing gurus’ in reality have no idea about whatsoever. You will learn skills here that will put you head and shoulders above the competition. You will learn tools that will make you immensely employable, to the point that you are never without work. And you’ll be able to turn any idea or concept into a reality.
Chapter 2: What Makes the Web Go Around
When I tell people that I work online, the reaction I very often get is bafflement. Countless people have admitted to me at one point or another that they have no idea what I do for a living. In fact, my grandma once made me promise to her that ‘whatever I did’ was not illegal!
When I left university and started working for myself, everyone expected me to fail. They all asked ‘when are you going to get a ‘proper job’?
A little offensive? Sure. But it’s understandable.
After all, it’s not at all obvious from an outsider’s perspective how money gets made on the web. How can you earn money online while sitting at home?
How do websites earn money even if no products actually change hands?
This is the part some of you will already know, but it bears repeating for those that don’t.
Essentially then, money is made online thanks to views.
The more people view a website or an article, the more opportunity there is to make money. And this is possible partly thanks to advertising and partly thanks to sales.
If you have a website that is getting several hundred thousand views per day, then you will have the option of placing Google Ads on it. These are adverts that are automatically generated by Google’s partners and which you will then place on your website. Each time the ad is clicked, Google earns some money and a portion of that revenue is split with you.
While this might sound strange, the reality is that those people are likely going to head to that other website and then spend more money. For instance, if an insurance company is paying for clicks on your website, chances are that the visitors it gains from this will buy at least some insurance and thus they’ll earn more money than they spend in the long term.
And don’t get it twisted: you’ll only earn a few cents per click in most cases so you really do need hundreds of thousands of views for a website to be profitable through this process alone.
If you’re still struggling to get your head around this, then the best comparison to make is with free papers and magazines that you might have seen being handed outside your local train station. Those free magazines cost money to print and they’re being given away!
But the customer in this case is not the person reading the magazine. The customer is the advertiser and the magazine has value to the advertiser because it has such a wide exposure. The more eyeballs see that paper or magazine, the more the advertiser can potentially stand to earn by placing their adverts there!
This is how a website works too.