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If your goal is to sell your house at well over the price you asked for and for the whole transaction to be hassle-free from A to Z, then perhaps you should start thinking like a real estate broker or agent.
During times when the real market is rollicking to new, unimaginable heights, and you hear of brokers pocketing enormous amounts of commissions and fees making them millionaires overnight, you’d like to know, deep down in your heart, what makes them tick. This new crop of wealth builders is making everyone envious, including you.
And here you are – all you really want is to learn the tricks to sell your house successfully. Learn from the pros. What makes the pros stand out and the mediocre drop out later in the game? Get inside the mind of the real estate professional and think like him.
Who knows, after you do sell your house successfully, you may decide to be a broker yourself, having learned the pitfalls and felt the glory of just this one deal.