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Chapter 1: Who Should Be a Leader?
Leadership is a topic that will typically interest businesses, managers, and CEOs. It is certainly very true that these are people who should try to understand what makes a good leader, and who can benefit from following leadership tips and advice.
In this book, we will be addressing the concept of leadership primarily from this angle. Most examples will pertain to leaders within organizations – whether those are charitable organizations, or whether they are massive corporations.
Leadership is a Life Skill
That said though, leadership is a life skill that should appeal to many more people than that!
That’s because leadership is something that we are all called upon to provide at some point. One of the most common examples given is the parent-as-leader. If you are a parent, then you are required to provide guidance, tutelage, mentorship, and discipline for your children.
There will be times when you must inspire your children to be the greatest versions of themselves. But there will also be times when you need to provide strict and stern instructions that could save their lives!
And of course, there will be battles when trying to send them to bed!
An influential leader will know how to listen and make the child feel heard, while at the same time giving them the space and the protection they need to grow.
Leadership is a Superpower
Then there is the leader who emerges in a crisis. In this situation, leadership is a superpower.
Imagine that you’re in a public space when suddenly the place collapses. You are trapped beneath the rubble and everyone is panicking, trampling one another. You need to work together in order to get help, and then to ration food and look after the injured.
In this situation, the person who rises to become the leader will be the person who is the most informed, and the person who is the most confident. If no one takes that mantle, then the situation could go south very quickly.
Being an influential leader is something that everyone should be capable of, so that they can rise to the occasion when it arises.
Leadership Outside of Work Environments
Finally, leadership is something that can make your social life and even your dating life that much more enjoyable. In every relationship and certainly every group dynamic, there is a power structure. Being the leader means being the one who gets to call the shots, who decides the activity, and who takes responsibility.
If you can be that person, then you’ll find it does wonders for every aspect of your career.
So while leadership largely pertains to businesses, this is something we all should strive to cultivate. That’s why throughout the book, we’ll also be looking at how lessons and examples apply to those that are not working within an organizational hierarchy.
Chapter 2: What Makes a Good Leader?
Leadership is incredibly valuable then, but unfortunately, it is not simple and easy. In fact, to demonstrate just how challenging leadership can be, keep in mind that a lot of people – including those who are in leadership roles – actually have no idea how to be a leader!
We have an image of what leadership means, and we often think of it as being “in charge.” That means we need to micromanage our staff, and it means that if they do something wrong, we need to shout at them. Right?
This couldn’t be further from what a good leader is.
Many leaders make the mistake here of thinking that they should act almost like a parent – where their team are the children. That means shouting when someone does something wrong, it means setting strict rules, and it means taking a “what I say goes” approach.
This is entirely the wrong attitude! When you approach your leadership role in this manner, you effectively smother the creativity and free thinking out of your team. That in turn means they are far less likely to do their best work. It also means they’re very likely to spend a lot of their time feeling extremely stressed and not doing their best work. In fact, this could eventually leave to them quitting!
Many an office has slowly crumbled as a result of staff being literally driven out of their organizations.
Apart from anything else, it is not your place to shout at or reprimand your staff. You simply have no right to do so. If someone fails to hand work in on time, or if they are repeatedly late, and you then admonish them like a child in front of the entire team… what kind of message does this send?
Do you really think they are going to be at all likely to do their best work the next day?
And what about their colleagues and friends?
You are not their Mother or Father. They are free people who can act as they so wish. You don’t have any real authority over them, and you certainly aren’t superior to them.
Of course, if their behavior isn’t congruent with what you need from your team, then you can politely end the agreement between you. But that is not the same as yelling at someone until they run out of the office crying. You are equals who have made an agreement and they have simply chosen to terminate the agreement. Understand this.
Likewise, don’t make idle threats about their employment or their position. Some managers will literally tell their staff that they “have the power to fire them, you know.” Again, do you really think this is going to encourage an optimum performance?