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Whether you have actually heard of this profiting plan, I can almost guarantee you that you've come across it. This is one of the most ingenius "back end" profit pulling plans you can use to boost your overall income. And, here's the reason why. . .
When you use the "OTO", or One Time Offer, plan, you are offering someone that has already had enough trust in you to make a purchase, or sign up for a free offer. So, the hard part of sucking in your customer is done with.
Now, how this works is there is a mid-section page that will be shown to your customers throughout the order process. Huh?!? Okay, you know that whenever you place an order online for a product you must go through the payment process. Be it PayPal, ClickBank, 2CheckOut, or a similar system. Then, once the payment portion is completed, you are redirected to the "thank you" page where you can retrieve your product.
In between those two pages is where you place your "OTO" page. And, since your customer has already spent money, this is the perfect opportunity to sell to them again, while they're in the buying mood.
You can use a separate product offer with special discounted pricing, an upgrade to the product you are currently selling that your customer has just purchased, etc. All that information will go on that page. Plus, there will be two form buttons at the bottom of your "special offer" page where your customer can choose to either accept your offer, or reject it.
Either way, you've still made a profit from them. The hope with the "OTO" is to make just a little bit more. Realize too, that this isn't the only way you can use the "OTO" plan though. Everyone has experienced the dreaded 404/File Not Found/Page Not Found error from time to time. So, why not customize your 404 pages with a "OTO"?
Many successful marketers have done this and made an otherwise dead sale. Another easy way to profit from a mistake! Plus, there's always the free giveaways you can place a "OTO" offer inside of too. Before your visitor's sign up is complete, show 'em your special, discounted "OTO". You never know. It might just interest them. So never count out your "freebie" customers. Most will indeed be lookers, but some, ev en if it's just a handful, w ill be buyers through and through that will appreciate a great money saving offer. A superb product that describes this entire process is OTO Secrets. If this profit plan interests you, then you should seriously consider picking up a copy.