Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Mailing List - A list that people can opt to be on that will allow them to receiveemails weekly, monthly, or otherwise. Usually an email mailing list is offered tonew subscribers by merchants so they can send them marketing ads or emails.
Maslow's Pyramid - A model often used in business, created by AbrahamMaslow. It basically sections off human needs into five basic categories. Manybusinesses follow this structure hand in hand with their marketing methods tobetter identify what people are looking for.
Media Kit - Much like a press kit, a media kit contains vital information about abusiness such as contact information, company logos, websites and links, andbasic background of the business like the mission statement. These kits are oftenused to get more attention or to gain new investors.
Members' Site - A website specially designed for paying or non-payingmembers. Typically, members' sites give people access to more features andinformation.
Merchant Account - An account merchants can set up that allows them toprocess and receive credit card payments from customers, whether for individualtransactions or recurring billing.
Meta Refresh - A way to redirect items within a web browser.
Meta Tag - A special code or "tag" that contains specific information about theinner workings of a web site.
Micro Button - A very small banner ad on a web page.
Moderator - Someone in charge of a forum who makes sure that all peopleposting follow the rules. The moderator is also there to answer peoples'questions and make sure that the forums or bulletin board are running smoothly.A moderator can also be someone in charge of an online chat.
Mousetrapping - A deceptive method that forces users to view the same pageover and over, even after clicking on the backward or forward button within theirbrowser.
Master Resell Rights - This term refers to people who have full rights to aproduct, but can also allow others to resell it once the have sold it initially.